We build up Human Capital Febelfin Academy VZW we build up Human Capital
We build up Human Capital Febelfin Academy asbl-vzw HISTORY Belgian Bankers Association was set up in 1936; the training department was created end of the 80s. Febelfin Academy VZW-ASBL (FA) started its activities on November 1, 2007 continuing the operations of the Training Department of the Belgian Bankers and Stockbroking Firms Association (now part of Febelfin).HISTORY Belgian Bankers Association was set up in 1936; the training department was created end of the 80s. Febelfin Academy VZW-ASBL (FA) started its activities on November 1, 2007 continuing the operations of the Training Department of the Belgian Bankers and Stockbroking Firms Association (now part of Febelfin)
We build up Human Capital Investment in Human Capital in Belgium VISION FA wants to assist the financial sector by providing training services, to lend its support and contribution to the financial institutions training efforts and initiatives, oriented towards the members of Febelfin
We build up Human Capital Febelfin Academy asbl-vzw MISSION FA focuses on: The development of a high quality finance curriculum; The development and provision of custom-made training services at the request of Febelfin members or of other parties which are active in the financial sector; The coordination of and contribution to any project aimed at improving the training capacity of the financial sector. MISSION FA focuses on: The development of a high quality finance curriculum; The development and provision of custom-made training services at the request of Febelfin members or of other parties which are active in the financial sector; The coordination of and contribution to any project aimed at improving the training capacity of the financial sector
We build up Human Capital Febelfin Academy asbl-vzw TEAM President, Managing Director: Werner Abelshausen Managing Director: Johan Van den Branden 2 Programme Managers 1 Finance Manager 4 support staff FA is a well-known player on the financial training market, as is shown by the number of experts offering their expertise to FA. At this time, more than 200 independent lecturers and professional bankers cooperate on a regular basis. TEAM President, Managing Director: Werner Abelshausen Managing Director: Johan Van den Branden 2 Programme Managers 1 Finance Manager 4 support staff FA is a well-known player on the financial training market, as is shown by the number of experts offering their expertise to FA. At this time, more than 200 independent lecturers and professional bankers cooperate on a regular basis.
We build up Human Capital Febelfin Academy asbl-vzw MAJOR OBJECTIVES To take concrete action so as to meet the requirements for HR development as laid down in the Strategic Plan for the Belgian financial sector; To operate on the basis of self-financing; To improve the overall co-ordination of HR & talent management in the Belgian financial sector. MAJOR OBJECTIVES To take concrete action so as to meet the requirements for HR development as laid down in the Strategic Plan for the Belgian financial sector; To operate on the basis of self-financing; To improve the overall co-ordination of HR & talent management in the Belgian financial sector
We build up Human Capital Febelfin Academy asbl-vzw Seminars & conferences Simulations Academic Programs Tailor made Training Tailor made Training Trainers = Banking professionals Content = Flexible, innovative, métier-oriented, intensive & short term Professional certification / accreditation Member-oriented Self-financed MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS TRAINING CURRICULUM - 7 -
We build up Human Capital Febelfin Academy – Seminars & conferences SHORT TERM TRAINING ACTIVITIES (I) Profession oriented courses, lectured by & for finance professionals : Banking in general Financial Markets Risk management Bank accounting Fiscal measures Audit & compliance Personal development SHORT TERM TRAINING ACTIVITIES (I) Profession oriented courses, lectured by & for finance professionals : Banking in general Financial Markets Risk management Bank accounting Fiscal measures Audit & compliance Personal development - 8 -
We build up Human Capital Febelfin Academy - Seminars & conferences LONG-TERM TRAINING ACTIVITIES (II) Academic programmes Private Banking (20d) Treasury & Financial risk management (20d) Master in Banking & Finance (2y) Supervisor co-certified Programmes Insurance Brokering Bank Brokering LONG-TERM TRAINING ACTIVITIES (II) Academic programmes Private Banking (20d) Treasury & Financial risk management (20d) Master in Banking & Finance (2y) Supervisor co-certified Programmes Insurance Brokering Bank Brokering - 9 -
We build up Human Capital Febelfin Academy – Distance Learning DISTANCE LEARNING TRAINING ACTIVITIES (III) Paper-based distance learning modules Languages: Banking English Fran ç ais bancaire Nederlands in de bank Banking: Overview of banking activities General introduction to banking Insurance: Distribution of insurances Fran ç ais de lassurance E-learning: Introduction to banking DISTANCE LEARNING TRAINING ACTIVITIES (III) Paper-based distance learning modules Languages: Banking English Fran ç ais bancaire Nederlands in de bank Banking: Overview of banking activities General introduction to banking Insurance: Distribution of insurances Fran ç ais de lassurance E-learning: Introduction to banking
We build up Human Capital Febelfin Academy asbl-vzw Results 2007 Activity Account 2007Account 2006 Seminars # registrations2.919, # man days6.671, Distance Learning # sessions # man days4.429, Evaluation scores 2007 Quality lecturers (4.0) Infrastructure (4.2) Evaluation scores 2007 Quality lecturers (4.0) Infrastructure (4.2) (1= bad, 2= average, 3= good, 4= very good, 5 =superb)
We build up Human Capital Febelfin Academy asbl-vzw INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION Founding member EBTN Bilateral cooperation with finance institutes & banking training institutes INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION Founding member EBTN Bilateral cooperation with finance institutes & banking training institutes
We build up Human Capital Febelfin Academy asbl-vzw CONTACT For more information, please contact : Febelfin Academy Rue Ravenstein 36 B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel: Fax: