Analysis for ENPI countries of Social and Economic Benefits of Enhanced Environmental Protection EuropeAid DCI-ENV/2009/ Country Sessions Wim Van Breusegem Team Leader Arcadis +32(0)
Project scope: issues covered Final Project Event: ENPI-South, Brussels2 Themes Sub- Themes Parameters
Project results 1.Country Benefit Assessment reports. For each of the parameters, we have a.described state of the environment (using data available from international organisations and data collected during country missions). b.set targets (inspired by EU or other international targets) c.assessed environmental improvements, resulting from achieving the targets in 2020 (a target year was needed for methodological purposes) d.assessed env.,soc., health and econ. benefits that can result from the environmental improvements 2. Regional Synthesis reports 3. Benefit Assessment Manuel for Policy makers Final Project Event:: ENPI-South, Brussels3
Possible way-forward Country reports 1.Tailoring of country reports (using your own data, your own insights) 2.Identifying the measures (policy, regulatory, institutional, economic, investment) that have to be taken to achieve the targets (either the targets that were used for the project or your own) 3.Convincing the decision makers, to take the measures, by referring to the env., soc., health, econ. benefits that can result from taking the measures (and that are assessed in the country reports.) Benefit Assessment Manual for Policy Makers 1.Review the methodology that we have developed by the countries and adaptatation to their needs 2.Application of the methodology by the countries Final Project Event: ENPI-South, Brussels4
Country Sessions: approach 1.All representatives of a given country gather to discuss the project: 13:30 – 15:00 2.The discussion is facilitated by the projects National Experts. 3.During the coffee-break (15:00-15:30), the National Experts report key messages to Wim & Fadi 4.Wim & Fadi present the key messages to the plenary session, for subsequent discussion. (15:30-16:30) Final Project Event:: ENPI-South, Brussels5
Country Sessions: approach Oslo: Tunisie, Maroc, Algerie, Palestine, Egypt Skien (3 rd floor): Israel Stavanger (groundfloor-0): Lebanon Lillehammer (groundfloor-0): Jordan Final Project Event:: ENPI-South, Brussels6
4 discussion questions: what now ? 1.What are for your country: 1.the main parameters (issues): identify 2 amongst the 15 parameters covered by the project. 2.the main parameters not covered by the project: identify 1 3.the main benefits that could result from improvements related to those parameters 2.What actions can be taken to disseminate the project results in your country amongst decision makers ? (by yourself, by the EU,..) 3. How can/will you use the 3 project results ? (Country reports, Regional reports, Manual) 4. What could be a useful follow-up ? Final Project Event:: ENPI-South, Brussels7
Have a fruitful discussion ! Project Analysis for ENPI countries of social an economic benefits of enhanced environment protection (DCI-ENV/2009/ )