LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Wireless Cameras Benjamin Meyer, Richard Mietz, Kay Römer 1
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Introduction –Motivation –Challenges System Architecture Evaluation Structure 2
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Towards the Internet of Things –High-level state of things on the internet –Scalar/specialized sensors are often limited to one scenario –Cameras are more flexible Motivation 3 SFpark project:
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Sensor nodes –Constrained resources Low-cost cameras –Low resolution –Poor image quality –Low frame rate Processing is shifted to the gateway Low-cost hardware 4
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Scenarios 5 Occupancy of a room Free seats in a roomIndividual occupancy of parking spots StatesFree/occupiedNumber of personsFree/occupied for each parking spot ChallengesPossibly lots of movement Outdoor Changing lighting conditions Picture Objects to detectPeople Cars Flexible Framework to infer and publish states for divers scenarios
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras System Architecture: Overview 0 HTM L RDF SQL Tweet Image capture Compression Wireless transmission State publication Text templates Different media Image processing Regions of interest Enhancing filters Object detection Face detection Mobile object detection State inference Rule-based language Customizable workflow 6
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras 0 HTM L RDF SQL Tweet State publication Text templates Different media Image processing Regions of interest Enhancing filters Object detection Face detection Mobile object detection State inference Rule-based language System Architecture: Sensor Node Image capture Compression Wireless transmission Customizable workflow 7 Camera equipped sensor node Two capture modes –Time-triggered –Event-triggered (by PIR) JPEG-compression in hardware Fragmented transmission to gateway
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras 0 HTM L RDF SQL Tweet State publication Text templates Different media Image processing Regions of interest Enhancing filters Object detection Face detection Mobile object detection State inference Rule-based language Image capture Compression Wireless transmission Customizable workflow 8 Image processing Regions of interest Enhancing filters System Architecture: Processing INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Parking spot a Parking spot b Region selection Lighting compensation Texture enhancement Contrast enhancement Orchestration and parameterization of enhancements
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Image processing Regions of interest Enhancing filters Object detection Face detection Mobile object detection State inference Rule-based language Object detection Face detection Mobile object detection Face detection Adaptive background subtraction –Classification into fore- and background –Can adapt to small changes Blob detection –Each blob is an object Number of & area covered by objects 9 System Architecture: Processing INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING
Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras 0 HTM L RDF SQL Tweet State publication Text templates Different media Image processing Regions of interest Enhancing filters Object detection Face detection Mobile object detection State inference Rule-based language Image capture Compression Wireless transmission 10 State inference Rule-based language Customizable workflow Rule-based state inference count:map:0:1:free count:map:1:-1:occupied State- based Event- based area:switch:free:80:occupied area:switch:occupied:80:free System Architecture: Processing INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING count:map:0:1:All seats free count:map:10:45:Enough seats count:map:45:70:Almost full count:map:70:-1:No seats left count:map:0:1:free count:map:1:-1:occupied area:map:0:80:free area:map:80:100:occupied free occupied 80% coverag e
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras 0 HTM L RDF SQL Tweet State publication Text templates Different media Image processing Regions of interest Enhancing filters Object detection Face detection Mobile object detection State inference Rule-based language System Architecture: Publishing Image capture Compression Wireless transmission Customizable workflow 11 Every text format (HTML, RDF, TXT, …) Template-based Publishing via –FTP –Twitter –SQL-Database
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Camera in front of lecture hall during lecture Estimate number of students Also looking at binary state (free/occupied) One region, background subtraction & no filter Three phases: –Beginning: Entering persons in dribs and drabs –During: Not many movements –End: Abrupt leaving of students Evaluation Setup 12
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Evaluation: Under- and Overestimation Underestimation –Several persons identified as one –Persons not recognized because of no movement Overestimation –Legs recognized as individual 13
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Evaluation: Entry phase OE: 130% UE: 70% Avg: 48% Binary state always correct 14
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Evaluation: Lecture phase UE: 105% Avg: 54% Binary state always correct 15
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Evaluation: Exit phase OE: ∞ UE: 222% Avg: 95% Binary state not correct for picture
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Evaluation: Entry phase revisited Image filters can significantly change the estimation 17
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Evaluation: Entry phase revisited Parameters can significantly change the estimation Improved avg error: 12% 18
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Conclusion 19 Flexible framework Use of cameras to be applicable in divers scenarios Fully customizable by the user in each step Accuracy quite high
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Questions? Thank you for your attention. Time for questions. 20
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras 21 Setup Camera node Gateway Netbook with software
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras The Framework: Connection Configuration
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras The Framework: Data Exchange
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras The Framework: Image Processing
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras The Framework: Region Selection / State Inference
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras The Framework: Publishing
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Filter
INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Mietz LoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Cameras Evaluation: Parking Spot Scenario area:switch:free:80:occupied area:switch:occupied:80:free Select single spot State switches from free to occupied when car enters (b) and c)) State will switch back when car leaves 28