Analysis for ENPI countries of Social and Economic Benefits of Enhanced Environmental Protection EuropeAid DCI-ENV/2009/ Country Sessions Wim Van Breusegem Team Leader Arcadis +32(0)
Programme 12:30 -13:30 : lunch 13: :00: country sessions 15: :30: coffee break 15:30 – 17:00: follow-up to project + conclusions Final Project Event:: ENPI-East, Chisinau 2
Participants in each country session : Country representatives National Expert (facilitator) EU expert (but working language = national language): o Russia/Belarus: Renat Perelet o Armenia/Moldova: Sofie Willems o Georgia/Ukraine: Wim Van Breusegem o Azerbaijan: Wim Van Breusegem Final Project Event:: ENPI-East, Chisinau3
Break-out rooms o Armenia/Moldova : Pink Hall o Russia/Belarus: in between Pink & White Hall o Georgia/Ukraine: White Hall o Azerbaijan: Protocol Hall Final Project Event:: ENPI-East, Chisinau4
Objectives The project is (nearly) finished. What now ? 1.Comments on benefits included in Country BA reports as for factual corrections to the reports (e.g. number of protected areas), please those to the National Experts by Wednesday evening Final Project Event:: ENPI-East, Chisinau5
Objectives 2. What actions can be undertaken to disseminate the project results in your country amongst decision makers ? (by yourself, by the EU Commission,…) 3. How can/will you use the project results ? (country BA reports, regional synthesis report, BA Manual) 4. What could be a useful follow-up to the project ? Final Project Event:: ENPI-East, Chisinau6
Reporting back to the plenary During the final coffee-break, the National Experts report the key messages (for each of the 5 questions) to Wim Wim presents the results of the country sessions to the plenary session. National Experts Wim a short report on the country sessions (by Tuesday) Final Project Event:: ENPI-East, Chisinau 7
Thank you for your attention Project Analysis for ENPI countries of social an economic benefits of enhanced environment protection (DCI-ENV/2009/ )