[1] ICEMS Scientific Secretariat Livio Giuliani[1],[2], Settimio Grimaldi5,[3], Antonella Lisi 9, Enrico D’Emilia [4] The replicability of the Zhadin effect and perspectives of application in diagnostics and therapy [1] ICEMS Scientific Secretariat [2] Director of ISPESL Department of Venice [3] CNR-INMM, Rome [4] ISPESL
But first, let’s start with a little history………………..
On the unreasonable effects of ELF magnetic fields on a system of ions E. Del Giudice 1 *, M. Fleischmann 2, G. Preparata 3 , G. Talpo 4 1INFN-Milano, Milano, Italy 2Bury Lodge, Duck Street, Tisbury, Salisbury Wilts, United Kingdom 3INFN and Department of Physics, University of Milan, Italy 4Sistemi s.r.l., Settore Ricerca, Trento, Italy *
We reproduced the Liboff-Zhadin effect in an A-magnetic room with strictly controlled parameters
A-magnetic room Power supply units Solenoid chamber– 3 meters long - 30 cm wide Zhadin cell is placed in the center of the solenoid
Magnetic detector The “Zhadin cell”
4.17Hz 48uT Bo 48nT B Glutaminic acid Zhadin effect Baseline current Applied without magnetic field 4.17Hz 48uT Bo 48nT B Experimental parameters
An attempt to study if, at the Zhadin ions cyclotron frequency, molecules can generate an intrinsic magnetic field
Procedures: Samples are placed into an A-magnetic flask surrounded by two external electrodes and placed in a magnetic transductor. The magnetic transductor is placed in the center of the main solenoid where the frequency resonance is generated
The solenoid for sample magnetic Field detection is in the center of the main solenoid Sample
Function generator Pico Ammeter Controller unit (humidity, atmosphere)
Signal applied Threshold noise Threshold noise, time-delayed
Glutamimic acid at room temperature Without magnetic field Magnetic field generated by “Zhadin effect” at 4.99 Hz Time delayed magnetic Field detection
Glutaminic acid at -80°C Without magnetic field Magnetic field due to “Zhadin” effect at 2.87 Hz Scan end Synchronized magnetic Field detection
Conclusion 1- at ion frequency resonance, molecules trapped into coherence domain produce an intrinsic magnetic field (impulse) 2-if this intrinsic magnetic field should be of some interest in the “Liboff-Zhadin “theory is still to be investigated