1 Deen Dayal Upadhyaya State Institute of Rural Development, Bakhshi-ka-Talab, Lucknow Presentation on Lab to Land Initiative: Capacity Building & Training for all (Chitrakute-Block Mau) October, 2010 at NIRD, Hyderabad.
2 Success indicators Increase in employed/self-employed persons Decrease in families Below Poverty Lines (BPL) Conduct of regular meetings of Gram Sabhas Increase in water bodies Improvement in soil health Decrease in Grievances Increase Mass Awareness
3 Plan of Action (Administrative) Sl. No. Action PointsResponsibily Level Action Taken Status 1Selection of a Block for lab to land initiative SIRD UP & State Govt Block Mau, Chitrakut District 2Report on District and Block profiles Block / DistrictReceived 3Identification of traineesBlock / District / SIRD Done 4Meeting with representatives of divisions of Mo I&B, GOI located at Lucknow SIRD and the concerned First meeting held on 17 th September, Constitution of Committees at State / District / Block Level for EME of project State Govt.Proposal submitted to Govt. 6Training Need AnalysesBlock / District / SIRD Proposed in December, 2010 (after PRI election)
4 Plan of Action (Administrative) Sl. No. Action PointsResponsibily Level Action Taken Status 7Development of Trainer Module and Manual, Training Literature SIRD LevelTo be done 8Preparation of Training CalendarBlock / DistrictTo be done 9Implementation of IECSIRD and Mo I&B, Lucknow Divisions To be done 10Implementation of TrainingSIRD UPTo be done 11Impact Assessment of TrainingIndependent Agency Identification of agency is in process 12Documentation of experiences and process Block / District / SIRD To be done 13Replication of the initiative / model in other Blocks. State GovtTo be done
5 Milestones for Lab-to-Land Initiative Sl. No. MilestonesResponsibility (State/District/Block Level) 1 Set up Core Groups at State, District and Block levels for co-ordination PS (RD), UP 2 Issue letter to the concerned district Collector, Line departments and Banks about the implementation of the initiative PS (RD), UP and DC 3 Identification of nodal persons in each department (agriculture, fisheries, animal husbandry, health, nutrition, PDS, etc.) DC / CDO 4 BDO to be trained as the Chief Block CoordinatorSIRD-UP/ CDO 5 Initiation meeting with stakeholders at the block level to be chaired nu DC DC / CDO 6 Orientation of officials, PRIs, SHGs, community resources institutions/ persons on thematic issues SIRD-UP 7 Finalization of objectives, actions, indicators, targetsSIRD-UP, DC / CDO
6 Milestones for Lab-to-Land Initiative Sl. No MilestonesResponsibility (State/District/Block Level) 8 Prioritization of objectives, actions, indicators, targets DC / CDO 9 Sharing of action plan with CRPs and the community BDO 10 Setting up of a community radioDC / CDO, BDO 11 Use of Cultural troops, Development Rath, IEC Vans, pamphlets, leaflets SIRD-UP, DC / CDO, BDO 12 Request DFP/SDD of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India for support MoRD, GoI & DoRD, UP 13 Documentation of the experience and processSIRD-UP/ BDO
77 Methodology Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) Cascade Mode of Training, Exposure visit to best practices Case study Method of learning, PRA/PLA Techniques of learning, and Involvement of Youth, SHGs, NGOs/ CBOs for Mass Awareness Campaign Awareness through IEC under programmes and inputs available from Akashvani, Doordarsan, Directorate of Field Publicity (DFP), Song & Drama Division, Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity (DAVP), and Press Information Bureau (PIB).
88 Indicators of Backwardness S.N. ParticularsDistrict (Chitrakoot) Block (Mau) 1.Literacy Rate (%) Male Female Total Total No. of BPL Families Total No. of Job Cards Percentage of BPL Families Maternal Mortality Rate851 / / Infant Mortality Rate72 / / 1000
99 Current Status of Implementation of Development Programmes S. N. ProgrammesProgress [ & (Sept, 2010)] 1 IAY223 2 Mahamaya Awas34 3 SGSY39 Groups (supported by banks) 4 ABRY20 5 MG NREGA10.85 Crores 5 TSC584 Latrines 7 Drinking Water ProgrammesHand-pumps as requirement of population 8 BRGF19.27 Crores
10 Required budget should be released timely Lack of co-ordination and co-operation with Banking and Financial Institutions (NREGA & SGSY) Inadequate Supporting Staff at Block Level specially for IAY, SGSY, ABRY, Mahamaya Awas etc. Lack of skill and competency in Supporting Staff Lack of Social Mobility Lack of People's Participation Lengthy and time consuming office procedure Factors hindering the achievements of programme's objectives
11 Resources required to improve the implementation of programmes Supporting Staff Funds for CB & T of Staff Funds for IEC & ICT Funds for Office Automation and MIS Development
12 A- Stakeholders who can help in Implementation of Programme Old Gram Pradhan First runner of Present Gram Pradhan Local Community Leader RTI Seekers CSO/ NGO
13 B- Stakeholders who can hinder the Implementation of Programmes PDS Shop Owner Local Contractor Local Money Lender
14 Inter- Sectoral Co-ordination Committee under Chairmanship of Block Development Officer to review the progress of programmes (Monthly) Committee under Chairmanship of Chief Devt Officer to review the Block-wise programme (Monthly) Tahshil Divas for grievances redressal (Monthly)
15 Best Practices and Innovations NREGA : Chhivlaba Model Gram Panchayat Tree Plantation Construction of New Pond 2000 Plants 01 Hectare TSC : Bojh Gram Panchayat Nirmal Gram 1700 Family SGSY : 1.Jayahardwara Baba SHG Mandaur Gram Panchayat Animal Husbandry11 Women 2.Dheena Bhai SHG Mandaur Gram Panchayat Tent House10 Men 3.Sarnath SHG, Mawayee Kalan Gram Panchayat Animal Husbandry12 Women 4.Rabina SHG Mandaur Gram Panchayat Animal Husbandry10 Women
16 Measures for ensuring transparency and accountability Initiated Office Automation Computerization of Records (MIS) Regular Social Audit One official deputed for grievance redressal system Wall writing Suo-moto discloser of information Field Visit and Public Contact Film shows on RTI, MG NREGA, Social Audit, TSC etc.
17 Measures Required for Effective Implementation of Programme Participatory Planning Organization of regular and effective Gram Sabha Develop Office Environment Motivation of Official CB & T of Staff Timely Budget Release Suo-moto discloser of Information and Promotes Transparency
18 This Institution is meant for training