COGNITION AND COMMUNICATION In discussing cognition – thinking – we are really talking about how we name our perceptions – the images in our mind In discussing cognition – thinking – we are really talking about how we name our perceptions – the images in our mind We’ll speak to 2 questions about this process : We’ll speak to 2 questions about this process : Do we use many approaches to a problem or few? Do we use many approaches to a problem or few? Complex thinkers or simple? Complex thinkers or simple? Do we use many ways to name images or few in our talk? Do we use many ways to name images or few in our talk? Do we distinguish between inferences and observable facts? Do we distinguish between inferences and observable facts? We think we do but we mostly don’t We think we do but we mostly don’t Hard to do - requires conscious work Hard to do - requires conscious work
COGNITION: WORDS AND THE SYMBOLIC PROCESS The elemental problem: The word symbols we use can’t fully and accurately represent the things they refer to. The word symbols we use can’t fully and accurately represent the things they refer to. Things (the world) = complex and dynamic. But the symbols we use to name them = simple and static. Things (the world) = complex and dynamic. But the symbols we use to name them = simple and static. We tend to use simple terms for complex subjects – like other people We tend to use simple terms for complex subjects – like other people And we forget the word is not the thing/person it represents And we forget the word is not the thing/person it represents
THINKING AND ABSTRACTING We leave out information as we move from specific to general We leave out information as we move from specific to general George is 5’ 9”, 160 lbs., Grad student from another country. George is 5’ 9”, 160 lbs., Grad student from another country. Highest level abstractions can be powerful, positive Highest level abstractions can be powerful, positive George is a really great guy George is a really great guy Or they can be our worst language – stereotypes Or they can be our worst language – stereotypes George is one of those…..We all know about them. We shouldn’t be helping those kinds of people with their education. George is one of those…..We all know about them. We shouldn’t be helping those kinds of people with their education.
THINKING AND ABSTRACTING Why would we want to talk like this? Why would we want to talk like this? We can intentionally inspire or inflame We can intentionally inspire or inflame Abstract generalities can move others emotionally and make us sound certain Abstract generalities can move others emotionally and make us sound certain Remember those emotional markers in our cognitive unconscious (+) and (-) Remember those emotional markers in our cognitive unconscious (+) and (-) But we most often use abstract – low content, low-detail words – because it’s easier and faster – less work for our conscious mind But we most often use abstract – low content, low-detail words – because it’s easier and faster – less work for our conscious mind
THINKINGTHINKING We said in a previous lecture that conscious thought was effortful, slow, controllable and flexible. We said in a previous lecture that conscious thought was effortful, slow, controllable and flexible. And we can do that under some circumstances And we can do that under some circumstances Studying, writing essays – which concepts work here, which don’t, how can use them to interpret this piece of dialogue Studying, writing essays – which concepts work here, which don’t, how can use them to interpret this piece of dialogue But for most of us this is tedious, hard work But for most of us this is tedious, hard work
THINKING AND TALK When we focus it to think, the conscious mind burns a lot of energy and it works slowly When we focus it to think, the conscious mind burns a lot of energy and it works slowly (That’s why writing essays is so hard and studying is so draining) (That’s why writing essays is so hard and studying is so draining) To think about what we’re saying – we would have to consciously To think about what we’re saying – we would have to consciously Pay attention – hard work Pay attention – hard work CM (conscious mind) is easily distracted CM (conscious mind) is easily distracted And slow down – sound and look awkward And slow down – sound and look awkward
WIRED TO SEE, NOT THINK While talking, our thoughts and words need to flow While talking, our thoughts and words need to flow Effortless speed is essential Effortless speed is essential So the conscious mind (CM) hands over much of the work of talk to the cognitive unconscious (CU). So the conscious mind (CM) hands over much of the work of talk to the cognitive unconscious (CU). It’s wired to work efficiently and quickly It’s wired to work efficiently and quickly The CM uses the constant flow of data from the effortless, perception process of the CU to fill in the blanks. To give it something to say. We don’t “think” before we speak we “see” The CM uses the constant flow of data from the effortless, perception process of the CU to fill in the blanks. To give it something to say. We don’t “think” before we speak we “see” Kahneman calls it WYSIATI Kahneman calls it WYSIATI
WIRED TO SEE, NOT THINK WYSIATI WYSIATI What You See Is All There is! What You See Is All There is! Thinking Fast and Slow Thinking Fast and Slow [The CU] continuously generates suggestions for [the CM]: impressions, intuitions, intentions, and feelings. If endorsed by [the CM], impressions and intuitions turn into belief, and impulses turn into voluntary actions….[The Conscious Mind] adopts the suggestions of [the cognitive unconscious] with little or no modification. P. 24 [The CU] continuously generates suggestions for [the CM]: impressions, intuitions, intentions, and feelings. If endorsed by [the CM], impressions and intuitions turn into belief, and impulses turn into voluntary actions….[The Conscious Mind] adopts the suggestions of [the cognitive unconscious] with little or no modification. P. 24 The defining feature of [the CM] ….is that its operations are effortful, and one of its main characteristics is laziness, our reluctance to invest more effort than is strictly necessary. As a consequence, the thoughts and actions consistent ….it has chosen are often guided by the [cognitive unconscious]. P. 31 The defining feature of [the CM] ….is that its operations are effortful, and one of its main characteristics is laziness, our reluctance to invest more effort than is strictly necessary. As a consequence, the thoughts and actions consistent ….it has chosen are often guided by the [cognitive unconscious]. P. 31
WYSIATI AND TALK The CU instantly draws upon its past experience and upon whatever info is immediately present The CU instantly draws upon its past experience and upon whatever info is immediately present We size up a new situation very quickly - figure out who is there and what’s going on and, We size up a new situation very quickly - figure out who is there and what’s going on and, (Perhaps most importantly) guess what’s going to happen next using the schema from our early learning (Perhaps most importantly) guess what’s going to happen next using the schema from our early learning If we didn’t, our mind would slow down to the point that we would seem “lost in thought” every time we tried to speak. If we didn’t, our mind would slow down to the point that we would seem “lost in thought” every time we tried to speak.
WYSIATI “THINKING” HEURISTICS Our lazy CM (conscious mind) lets the CU use a number of shortcuts – heuristics – to get through our daily talk without hesitation Our lazy CM (conscious mind) lets the CU use a number of shortcuts – heuristics – to get through our daily talk without hesitation Accessibility: ease with which something comes to mind makes it true Taking Things At Face Value: If you believe it - info is valid – the danger of internet slander Representativeness: How Similar Is A To B – stereotyping - Looks like a duck, walks like a duck – must be duck – and you act like you know this for sure – even though you may only have seen a picture of a duck.
WYSIATI “THINKING” HEURISTICS Another shortcut – heuristics – to make a judgment or decision Another shortcut – heuristics – to make a judgment or decision Framing – how things are put. Framing – how things are put. If surgeons tell patients procedure has a 15% failure rate more will say no to it than if they say it has an 85% success rate. If surgeons tell patients procedure has a 15% failure rate more will say no to it than if they say it has an 85% success rate.
WYSIATI “THINKING” HEURISTICS Verbal priming – verbal cues – previous thoughts alter next thoughts and actions Positive priming – tell people success stories about others just before they do test – and they do better Negative priming – remind people of their ethnicity – (if socially perceived as negative) they will do worse on tests – if positive they will do better Asian American women before a math test – when reminded of their ethnicity did better than those not reminded. Those reminded of their gender did worse than those not reminded.
“THINKING” AND TALK Conflicting thoughts about the same behavior – uncomfortable – cognitive dissonance – also treated as a result of conflicting perceptions Conflicting thoughts about the same behavior – uncomfortable – cognitive dissonance – also treated as a result of conflicting perceptions Try to make sense out of contradictory ideas and in our minds be consistent Try to make sense out of contradictory ideas and in our minds be consistent Best way for smokers who think smoking is “bad for them” to resolve inner conflict is to quit – Best way for smokers who think smoking is “bad for them” to resolve inner conflict is to quit – But if they’ve tried and can’t - the mind gets creative But if they’ve tried and can’t - the mind gets creative Not so harmful - uncle who died at 92 still smoked Not so harmful - uncle who died at 92 still smoked Reduces stress – keeps weight off – those are good things Reduces stress – keeps weight off – those are good things Critical of studies or data on harm – arguments against are stupid Critical of studies or data on harm – arguments against are stupid Use an E-cigarette instead Use an E-cigarette instead We all search the world for data to confirm our thoughts - confirmation bias We all search the world for data to confirm our thoughts - confirmation bias
“THINKING” AND TALK So in terms of every talk – in our thinking – we use few words - black-white labels – in naming our perceptions – simple thinkers So in terms of every talk – in our thinking – we use few words - black-white labels – in naming our perceptions – simple thinkers For judgments and problem solving –We use WYSIATI’S simple heuristics – not high effort, thoughtful comparisons For judgments and problem solving –We use WYSIATI’S simple heuristics – not high effort, thoughtful comparisons For inner conflict we simply change our judgments – often without noticing any inconsistency with past thoughts or words For inner conflict we simply change our judgments – often without noticing any inconsistency with past thoughts or words
“THINKING” AND TALK The second part of our explanation for all of our “squishy” thinking is…. The second part of our explanation for all of our “squishy” thinking is…. Talk operates at several levels at once – and mixes description, inferences and judgments in the same conversations. Talk operates at several levels at once – and mixes description, inferences and judgments in the same conversations. We don’t even notice. We don’t even notice. How this works and can be a problem is for our next lecture. How this works and can be a problem is for our next lecture.