Sophie Weisswange Ljubljana, 24 March 2011 The EQAVET Framework & QALLL project
2 QUALITY ASSURANCE IN VET Historic perspective European level Sept. 1998: Council recommendation on Quality Assurance in higher education March 2000: Lisbon Council March 2002: European Council - Barcelona November 2002: Copenhaguen Declaration
3 Implementation of QA in VET Tools and instruments developed 2004: CQAF endorsed by the Member States 2005: Launch of ENQA-VET network 2008: Proposal for the establishment of a European Quality Assurance reference framework 2009 (18 June): Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of a European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQARF-EQAVET) 2010: Launch of EQAVET network
4 4 European quality assurance in VET ENQAVET EQARF PAST PRESENT
5 EQAVET: the Quality Cycle and Indicators Descriptors Indicator 1, 2 Define goals and objectives Descriptors Indicators 3, 7, 8 Coherent with goals Descriptors - Indicator 4, 5, 6 Collection and processing data; discuss results Descriptors Indicators 9, 10 Feedback and procedures for Change Planning Implementation Evaluation Review
6 6 Annex 2 - List of indicators Underlying objectives: Better employability - Better match between training supply and demand - Better access to VET No 1 Relevance of quality assurance systems for VET providers No 2 Investment in training of teachers and trainers No 3 Participation rate in VET programmes No 4 Completion rate in VET programmes No 5 Placement rate in VET programmes No 6 Utilisation of acquired skills at the workplace No 7 Unemployment rate No 8 Prevalence of vulnerable groups No 9 Mechanisms to identify training needs in the labour market No 10 Schemes used to promote better access to VET
7 EQAVET process Member States European Commission National.reference.pointsSocial partners Regional and local authorities European Parliament Council Other relevant stakeholders 7
8 EQAVET Network EQAVET Secretariat: contract with FETAC ( Further Education and Training Awards Council of Ireland) Annual forum in Budapest 31 March - 1 April 2010 Working groups on guidelines and on indicators Collaboration online Communication (website – brochures – leaflet)
9 9 Priorities of the network Designing of the national approach (June 2011) Development of the indicators Development of a common understanding of the quality assurance systems in the member states building on work already done notably by Cedefop and ENQAVET (matrix) Coherence with other tools (EQF, ECVET…) Outcomes expected: online tools - indicator’s toolkit with glossary - matrix
10 Future perspectives develop, from June 2011, guidance for training providers based on the indicators, indicative descriptors and “building blocks” on the use of the Reference Framework More contact with sectors through organisation of sectoral seminars Deepening of the cooperation between EQAVET, EQF, ECVET (Joint seminars)
11 State of play – European level EQAVET QALLL ENIQAB DE LDV VET-CERT AT LDV NLQAVET NL LDV RO LDV QA-VET MT LDV LDV Projects’ coordinator
12 EQAVET Network and QALLL Focus on projects helping for implementation of national approach Focus on projects helping implementation of EQAVET Focus on projects who are interesting in terms of exploitation Recommendations: System/institutional level - Content/process QALLL participates at the Annual Forum
13 Thank you!