1 WLTS: Interactive tasks addressing learning difficulties Assessment & HKEAA Section Education Infrastructure Division Education Bureau 16 Jan 2013
2 Session Outline Identify students’ learning difficulties by means of assessment data (including TSA data) Introduce the effective use of Web-based Learning and Teaching Support (WLTS) in addressing learning difficulties Share newly developed interactive resource materials
3 Some ways to assess students ’ learning … Project Portfolio / Journal Exam / Quiz Presentation Observation Interview Task Participation BCA TSA SA WLTS
4 For Diagnostic Purposes Rationale: To assess students’ performances at the Basic Competency levelBasic Competency level Schools could make good use of TSA data to enhance the learning and teaching effectiveness in their schools. Source: TSA
TSA 2011 School Report (simulated data) Skill: Listening BC: L2-L-3-P3BC Using a small range of strategies to understand the meaning of short and simple texts on familiar topics which are delivered slowly and clearly in familiar accents Sub-paperItem No.School %Territory-wide % 3EL2P2 Q EL2P2 Q EL2P2 Q EL4P2 Q EL4P2 Q EL4P2 Q What went wrong?
6 Research and development projects Research-based learning and teaching strategies and resources
7 Study of Using Assessment Data (Including TSA Data) to Enhance Learning and Teaching (ELE) An EDB commissioned research project with four phases Principal Investigator: Dr Anthony KK Tong Findings: The causes of reading difficulties include students’ limited vocabulary sizes and text type knowledge, lack of reading skills to cope with harder items and lack of interest to process the reading texts.
Basic Competency Assessment (BCA) Project TSA, SA (online Student Assessment) and WLTS (Web-based Learning and Teaching Support) BCA Data-driven studies to identify students’ learning difficulties and critical features
9 To support teachers in providing timely assistance to students who need help in achieving the Basic Competencies (BCs) with: –teaching resources and suggestions for improvement –interactive tasks
10 Choose ‘English’
1. Search by BCs 11 Choose a Key Stage Choose a skill
12 Choose a BC Descriptor
13 Related BCs Learners’ Possible Problems and Suggested Follow-up Actions
14 Learning Units for Download
15 Unit Information Preview: overview Download: all materials Related Module Suggested Duration Unit Title Problem(s) Addressed For Self- learning Download All Unit Description
16 Unit Information – Overview To download a particular resource of the unit.
17 2. Search by Related Module Related Module – with units grouped into different themes
18 Other units of similar themes
19 You can also browse other units in the same module by clicking here.
20 Research and development projects Research-based learning and teaching strategies and resources
21 WLTS Listening – Connection between Ideas
22 Saving Princess Nancy Text Type: Fairy Tales Skills: Listening, Reading and Writing Objectives: Learning the use of adjectives to describe people through an interactive adventure with the prince Key Stage 1 Skills: Listening/ Reading / Writing BCs: L2-L-3-P3BC, L2-R-5-P3BC, L2-W-3-P3BC, L2-W-4-P3BC Related Module: The World Around Us
3. Search in Student Zone 29 Student Zone – A page for students to look for interactive games in an easy way.
31 Research Report Research focusing on the use of assessment data to enhance L&T
32 WLTS Units on Vocabulary Building Skills Word Formation (compound words, prefixes, suffixes) KS2 Hong Kong Adventure 1-4 Word Association (synonyms, antonyms, homonyms) KS2 Super Word Kid Sight Words (high frequency words) KS1 Sight Word Park (Trial) Word Association (Word Collocations) KS3 Swim, Bike, Run, Three Times the Fun
Vocabulary Learning Hong Kong Adventure 1-4
34 Interactive games
35 For self-learning
36 Super Word Kid What are Synonyms?
42 Interactive games
45 Working with the Text
49 Student Performances in English Language TSA 2008 S.3 Reading / Speaking Weaknesses Reading: Comprehend and make a plausible conclusion of the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions using reference skills Speaking: Respond to each other using limited interactive strategies
50 Examples of WLTS tasks addressing the learning problems identified
51 Looking up words in Dictionaries
52 Interviewing Mr Hall Introducing the basic skills in conducting an interview.
53 Latest Development Engage frontline teachers, academics, HKEAA and EDB colleagues in research projects, case studies and focus groups to –develop diagnostic tools –analyze authentic assessment data –identify students’ possible learning difficulties –explore ideas and strategies in addressing the learning problemsideas and strategies –try out new tasks and share useful materials on WLTS
54 Thank you Flora Leung Tel: Karen Law Tel: Fax: