Andreas Papamichael Christos Constantinou George Nikolaides Attribution
Pulse!! – Medical Training Simulation by BreakAway Attribution
Provides a lifelike and interactive virtual environment. Provides the ability to practice clinical skills. EPL679: eHEALTH | University of Cyprus 3
The absence of realistic cases during medical education and practicing. Leads to lack of self confidence. Lack of experience in emergency situations. EPL679: eHEALTH | University of Cyprus 4
Acquire essential experience for real life incident. Experience in clinical and critical thinking, the essential elements in practice of medicine. Acquire better fluency. EPL679: eHEALTH | University of Cyprus 5
Paper Analysis Attribution
The great need for drastic improvement in health research and in medical education in South Asia. Limited indigenous data pertaining to medical education in this region. EPL679: eHEALTH | University of Cyprus 7
Introduce preventive oriented medicine instead of only the “traditional way” of medicine. There is hope for South Asia, but for such hope to materialize, we need selfless individuals, strong institutions, and perhaps above all a more just and realistic distribution of the national financial resources. EPL679: eHEALTH | University of Cyprus 8
[1]. BreakAway, games/solutions/healthcare/, 2012http:// games/solutions/healthcare/ [2]. Pulse Video, games/solutions/healthcare/floss.htmlhttp:// games/solutions/healthcare/floss.html [3]. Aslam F, Prioritizing Investment in Medical Education, PLoS Med 3(3): e159. doi: /journal.pmed , March 28, 2006 Copyright: © 2006 Fawad Aslam. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. EPL679: eHEALTH | University of Cyprus 9