Understanding Student Engagement Materials needed for today: Handout, Webinar #1
Introductions Please tell us …. 1.Who you are. 2.What brought you here today. 3.Whether or not you’ve participated in a webinar before. A = microphone B = chat box C = pass
Deb McFarlane-Smith Facilitator Wanda Dechant Moderator, NRLC Leslie Snyder Moderator, NRLC Jann Edney Moderator, ERLC
Canadian Education Association The Learning Bar Galileo Educational Network
Student engagement is……..
Student Engagement Social – participation in the life of the school Institutional – participation in the requirements of school success Intellectual – participation in learning WDYDIST, First National Report May, 2009
Student Engagement Sense of belonging Participation Attendance Intellectual Engagement A = more than 80% B = 66% - 80% C = 50% - 65% D = less than 40%
Are Canadian youth engaged in school? WDYDIST, First National Report, May 2009
What does intellectual engagement look like?
“Flow” Csikszentmihalyi (1996)
Engagement is about self-determined commitment to the learning.
What does disengagement look like? a strategy for improving educational achievement
Engagement is both a powerful factor that contributes to achievement and a valuable outcome in itself.
Classroom Practices that Make a Difference Attention to relationships in the classroom Attention to work that is relevant, meaningful and authentic for students Thoughtful, intentional designs for learning Use of assessment to improve learning and guide teaching
Classroom Practices that Make a Difference Attention to relationships in the classroom Attention to work that is relevant, meaningful and authentic for students Thoughtful, intentional designs for learning Use of assessment to improve learning and guide teaching
Relationships play a significant role in student engagement.
What is engaging about this website?
World Wide Web
Cell Phones & Video Cameras
Interactive Games
Social Networking
Online Learning Modules
SMART Boards
Connected to world outside classroom…
Classroom Practices that Make a Difference Attention to relationships in the classroom Attention to work that is relevant, meaningful and authentic for students Thoughtful, intentional designs for learning Use of assessment to improve learning and guide teaching
Classroom Practices that Make a Difference Attention to relationships in the classroom Attention to work that is relevant, meaningful and authentic for students Thoughtful, intentional designs for learning Use of assessment to improve learning and guide teaching
Alignment… learning outcomes instruction assessment
Aligned with learning outcomes…
“provide evidence that air takes up space and exerts pressure, and identify examples of these properties in everyday applications” Specific Learner Expectation Grade Six Science
Deep/critical thinking…
Disciplinary inquiry… If you have trouble viewing the video, check If the video comes up without trouble, check When you finish viewing the video, check
Substantive conversation…
Engaging Learning Tasks
There is a close relationship between students’ experience of engagement and student learning.
Engagement is about a self- determined commitment to the learning.
Teaching practices have a powerful effect upon student engagement.
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