OPUS-College Kernel and Module features version 3.3.
Kernel - version 3.3. ➲ 2 levels of organizational units: ➲ First level units: Registry, Schools, Academic Office..... ➲ Second level units: Registration office (e.g. within Registry), Office of the Dean within a School, Departments within a School. ➲ Staffmembers and students: Storing detailed information on staffmembers and students ➲ Curriculum (study programmes and courses): Storing detailed information on studies, their programmes per academic year and the underlying courses ➲ Studyplans: Storing detailed information on the specific programme for one student, with studyyears / semesters, courses and results
Kernel - version 3.3. ➲ Results generation and calculations: ➲ courses and results “under a course” (examinations and continuous assessment tests). ➲ studyplan of a student (programme of study of an individual student): the end grade of the student for the year or semester or the whole studyplan based on the underlying course results. ➲ Continued registration process and its various steps: from a request, through selection and customization of the programme. Includes the process of progressing a student (clear pass, etc...) and cut-off point mechanism.
Kernel - version 3.3. ➲ Roles and privileges of the various users: Registry, Dean of Schools, Heads of Departments, Lecturers, etc. All privileges for roles are flexibly configurable. ➲ Mail enabling: On a number of occasions the system can send s to students of staff (steps in the admission and continued registration flow, etc.). ➲ Application configuration: A number of configuration items (use of mail, height of cut- off point advantage girls, etc.) are flexibly configurable.
Modules - version 3.3. ➲ Admission module: from admission request to approved admission (or rejection), including registration of secondary school subjects and grades. With cut-off point mechanism. ➲ Report module: a separate module which stores all sorts of reports on the information in the kernel. Reports can be generated as pdf, excel or html. ➲ Scholarship module: extended version of the basic scholarship module ➲ Accommodation module: information on the housing of students. Built by CBU developers. Almost ready and will be added before the end of the project. ➲ Fee module: extended version of the basic fee module. Not implemented for CBU yet (interface Dimensions).
Under water - version 3.3. ➲ Audit trail structure: keeping the history of sensitive information. ➲ Open source licensing: all code is now protected under the open source license structure.