High Level Conference European Parliament MHADIE-Policy Recommendations for Education Judith Hollenweger Work package Leader Education Zurich University of Applied Sciences and Arts School of Education
Policies in regular education low achievement bad teaching male Which schools are eligible for additional resources? excellent teaching high achievement
Policies in special education mental retardation low achievement male Which children are eligible for additional resources? giftedness high achievement
Integrated policy approach mental retardation low achievement bad teaching male
Recommendation 1 MHADIE researchers recommend the ICF framework as a useful structure for collecting data relevant to developing eligibility criteria for educational services for children and youth.
Children with Disabilities OECD 2005
Blind and partially sighted students
Blind and partially sighted students Czech Republic
Percentage of students in special schools: Finland
Percentage of students in special schools: France
Recommendation 2 Across the education sector, we recommend that the consistent and valid understanding of disability provided by the ICF be used to understand the embeddedness of disability categories and the process by which disability categories of special needs are created and applied.
Different application of traditional disability categories Problem 1: Application of same category for different purposes: Clinical description based on formal assessment Problem-based analysis of child in educational context Needs-based analysis of child in educational context Eligibility criteria Label of a child attending a specific programme or school Statistical information guiding policy decisions Analysis of levels of education system Problem 2: Circular application of disability categories: Label need programme label Analysis of process of education
Linking process to level Problem Assess- ment Assign- ment Inter- vention Evalua- tion Policy perspective Organisational perspective Educational perspective Clinical perspective Levels of Education System Process of Education
Learning Disability: what information to rely for policy decisions? Problem Assess- ment Assign- ment Inter- vention Evalua- tion Policy perspective Organisational perspective Educational perspective Clinical perspective Levels of Education System Process of Education
On clinical diagnosis of individual? Problem Assess- ment Assign- ment Inter- vention Evalua- tion Policy perspective Organisational perspective Educational perspective Clinical perspective Levels of Education System Process of Education
On educational assessment of teacher? Problem Assess- ment Assign- ment Inter- vention Evalua- tion Policy perspective Organisational perspective Educational perspective Clinical perspective Levels of Education System Process of Education
On achievement information? Problem Assess- ment Assign- ment Inter- vention Evalua- tion Policy perspective Organisational perspective Educational perspective Clinical perspective Levels of Education System Process of Education
On educational programmes attended by students? Problem Assess- ment Assign- ment Inter- vention Evalua- tion Policy perspective Organisational perspective Educational perspective Clinical perspective Levels of Education System Process of Education
MAP-EP allows systematic analysis of information used for policy Problem Assess- ment Assign- ment Inter- vention Evalua- tion Policy perspective Organisational perspective Educational perspective Clinical perspective Levels of Education System Process of Education
Recommendation 3 MHADIE has shown that MAP-EP© (Matrix for Analysis of Problems in Educational Planning), developed by MHADIE researchers, is a useful and valid protocol for linking clinical, administrative and survey data to components in the education sector, and we recommend to use it as a guide to identify the information that needs to be collected for educational planning.
Information fit for purpose Systems have to discuss and decide what information is relevant and meaningful for which purpose: Adequate to represent disability in educational context with information on impairment? Adequate to plan childrens school life and learning based on their disability, difficulty or disadvantage?
Early Childhood What information to use for policy development? diagnosis often unavailable or misleading often a more general developmental delay rather than clear impairments ideologically-based decisions on what should be done because meaningful longitudinal data is not available
Common framework to link data relevant at different ages Neutral factors, protective factors and risks Engagement in Life Situations Health Problems Impairments A priori decisions on what factors to concentrate on make comparisons across time difficult.
Recommendation 4 MHADIE research highlights the importance of including the 0-6 year children subgroups in population surveys for prevention policies. Given this, MHADIE researchers recommend that the ICF-CY (ICF Children and Youth version) be used to collect these data.
Instruments to describe functioning and disability Problem Assess- ment Assign- ment Inter- vention Evalua- tion Policy perspective Organisational perspective Educational perspective Clinical perspective
Instruments to describe changes functioning and disability Problem Assess- ment Assign- ment Inter- vention Evalua- tion Policy perspective Organisational perspective Educational perspective Clinical perspective
Procedures for interdisciplinary planning and decision making Problem Assess- ment Assign- ment Inter- vention Evalua- tion Policy perspective Organisational perspective Educational perspective Clinical perspective
Establishing eligibility Problem Assess- ment Assign- ment Inter- vention Evalua- tion Policy perspective Organisational perspective Educational perspective Clinical perspective
Recommendation 5 We recommend that new instruments and tools, that more reliably capture the childs participation and complexities of educational participation in school, be developed.
Coherent policy development requires linking SEN to education Children, Youth (and their Families) Goals and Contents of Education Services, Schools and Professionals Need for / Right to Education Need for / Right to Instruction and Support Need for / Right to Adaptation
…and linking disability to education School Environments Means of Education Curriculum Goals of Education Opportunities
Recommendation 6 MHADIE researchers recommend that the social impact, resulting from outcome evaluation of education policies, be collected along with educations outcome indicators for children with disabilities.