Smart instruments for a smarter Europe – Intelligent Energy for Europe Christiane Egger O.Ö. Energiesparverband Landstraße 45, A-4020 Linz, Austria T: enESV-Design
Oberösterreich - Upper Austria Capital: Linz Population: 1.38 mio Unemployment: 4.4 % Renewable Energy Sources: 30 % (14 % hydro, 14 % biomass, 2 % solar) 15,000 jobs in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources O.Ö. Energiesparverband regional energy agency main funding: regional government services to private households, SMEs, public bodies ESV-Design en
Network of green energy companies in Upper Austria Solar energy, biomass, biogas, wind energy, heat pumps, geothermal energy, small hydro power, energy efficiency 140 companies 2,700 employees 393 million Euro turn-over Export share > 50% Managed by O.Ö. Energiesparverband Oekoenergie-Cluster ESV-Design051159en
strong economic impact of energy prices on the European economy security of supply, increasing import dependency social dimension environmental protection & climate commitments Energy - a key sector for economic prosperity and development in Europe ESV-Design051159en
Energy efficiency: 20 % (60 million Euro/year) could be saved economically Renewable energy sources: 1,067,000 jobs (2010); 2,023,000 jobs (2020) Two important instruments to tackle the energy challenges ESV-Design051159en lack of markets for energy efficiency - "chicken-egg" problem lack of information and skills lack of capital regulatory framework Market barriers:
international markets for most energy sources strong difference in market development between EU countries insufficient action in many Member States European leadership in sustainable energy technologies worldwide climate change, job creation & economic development have a strong European dimension Sustainable Energy - a European issue ESV-Design051159en
Financing instruments for economic energy investments 1)Contract between a building/plant owner & an ESCO (a specialised company) 2)ESCO invests in energy efficiency 3)Building/plant owner pays the same energy bill during contract period, ESCO guarantees energy saving 4)Investment is re-financed through decrease in energy costs over contract period Example: Energy Performance Contracting ("Energiesparen zum Null-Tarif") Example: Energy Performance Contracting ("Energiesparen zum Null-Tarif") ESV-Design en time energy costs before investment energy cost reduction after investment contract end contract start refinancing investment energy costs
Starting up a market for Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) in 7 European regions Steps: - Analysis of specific legal situation - selection of potential projects, feasibility studies - network of SMEs = potential ESCOs: training, support (e.g. model contracts) - making EPC better known Immediate project results: 14 projects with 260,000 Euro energy savings/year Intelligent Energy Project "Contracting" ESV-Design051159en
to speed up market transformation create networks of actors actively promote & disseminate innovative energy solutions create markets for SMEs support international know-how transfer The role of regional & local energy agencies ESV-Design051159en
strong need for a specific sustainable energy programme should provide funding for SMEs and institutional actors (including R&D) supporting market creation simplification of administrative procedures - the right balance between responible management of public funds and "administrative burdens" programme is an important tool in making European cooperation a true part of our work and of our lives Conclusions ESV-Design051159en