Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 哈尔滨医科大学流行病学教研室 Department of epidemiology , Harbin Medical University.


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化学系 3 班 何萍 物质的分离原理 世世界上任何物质,其存在形式几乎均以混合 物状态存在。分离过程就是将混合物分成两 种或多种性质不同的纯物质的过程。 分分子蒸馏技术是一种特殊的液-液分离技术。
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在发明中学习 线性代数 概念的引入 李尚志 中国科学技术大学. 随风潜入夜 : 知识的引入 之一、线性方程组的解法 加减消去法  方程的线性组合  原方程组的解是新方程的解 是否有 “ 增根 ” ?  互为线性组合 : 等价变形  初等变换  高斯消去法.
实验八 — 高分子材料的老化性 能测定. 南京理工大学化工学院 一、 实验目的  1. 了解橡胶的老化机理  2. 掌握鼓风老化试验箱的使用方法  3. 测定老化前后的力学性能.
Photoshop CS4 标准培训教程 第三章第三章 在 Photoshop CS4 中所谓的不规则选区指的是随意性强,不被局限在几何形状内, 他们可以是鼠标任意创建的也可以是通过计算而得到的单个选区或多个选区。在 Photoshop 中可以用来创建不规则选区的工具被分组放置到套索工具组、魔棒工具组.
§2.2 一元线性回归模型的参数估计 一、一元线性回归模型的基本假设 二、参数的普通最小二乘估计( OLS ) 三、参数估计的最大或然法 (ML) 四、最小二乘估计量的性质 五、参数估计量的概率分布及随机干 扰项方差的估计.
第一节 相图基本知识 1 三元相图的主要特点 (1)是立体图形,主要由曲面构成; (2)可发生四相平衡转变; (3)一、二、三相区为一空间。
导体  电子导体  R   L  i 离子导体  ( 平衡 ) mm   .
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主要学习内容: 1、用描述法分析样品的风味特征 2 、学习味觉试验方法。 闽北职业技术学院食品与生物工程系.
 符号表  标识符的作用: 声明部分:定义了各种对象及对应的属性和 使用规则。 程序体:对所定义的对象进行各种操作。 $ididname IdnameAttributeIR  必要性 Token : 新表-符号表(种类、类型等信息):
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首 页 首 页 上一页 下一页 本讲内容本讲内容 视图,剖视图(Ⅰ) 复习: P107 ~ P115 作业: P48(6-2,6-4), P49( 去 6-6) P50, P51(6-13), P52 P50, P51(6-13), P52 P53 (6-18,6-20) P53 (6-18,6-20)
1-4 节习题课 山东省淄博第一中学 物理组 阚方海. 2 、位移公式: 1 、速度公式: v = v 0 +at 匀变速直线运动规律: 4 、平均速度: 匀变速直线运动 矢量式 要规定正方向 统一单位 五个量知道了三 个量,就能求出 其余两个量 3 、位移与速度关系:
《 UML 分析与设计》 交互概述图 授课人:唐一韬. 知 识 图 谱知 识 图 谱知 识 图 谱知 识 图 谱.
1 、如果 x + 5 > 4 ,那么两边都 可得 x >- 1 2 、在- 3y >- 4 的两边都乘以 7 可得 3 、在不等式 — x≤5 的两边都乘以- 1 可得 4 、将- 7x — 6 < 8 移项可得 。 5 、将 5 + a >- 2 a 移项可得 。 6 、将- 8x < 0.
第 7 章说明 经典的单方程计量经济学模型理论与方法,限于常参数、 线性、揭示变量之间因果关系的单方程模型,被解释变量 是连续的随机变量,其抽样是随机和不受限制的,在模型 估计过程中或者只利用时间序列样本,或者只利用截面数 据样本,主要依靠对经济理论和行为规律的理解确定模型 的结构形式。 本章中,将讨论几种扩展模型,主要包括将被解释变量抽.
请同学们仔细观察下列两幅图有什么共同特点? 如果两个图形不仅形状相同,而且每组对应点所在的直线 都经过同一点, 那么这样的两个图形叫做位似图形, 这个点叫做位 似中心.
表单自定义 “ 表单自定义 ” 功能是用于制作表单的 工具,用数飞 OA 提供的表单自定义 功能能够快速制作出内容丰富、格 式规范、美观的表单。
7 生产费用在完工产品与在产 品之间分配的核算. 2 第七章 生产费用在完工产品与在产品之 间的分配  知识点 :  理解在产品的概念  掌握生产费用在完工产品与在产品之间的分 配.
力的合成 力的合成 一、力的合成 二、力的平行四边形 上一页下一页 目 录 退 出. 一、力的合成 O. O. 1. 合力与分力 我们常常用 一个力来代替几个力。如果这个 力单独作用在物体上的效果与原 来几个力共同作用在物体上的效 果完全一样,那么,这一个力就 叫做那几个力的合力,而那几个 力就是这个力的分力。
个体 精子 卵细胞 父亲 受精卵 母亲 人类生活史 问题:人类产生配子(精、卵 细胞)是不是有丝分裂?
逻辑设计基础 1 第 7 章 多级与(或)非门电路 逻辑设计基础 多级门电路.
1 第 4 章 速度瞬心及其应用 ● 利用速度瞬心进行机构的速度分析 ● 将低副机构转变为高副机构 ( 瞬心线机 构,共轭曲线机构) ● 用低副机构的分析方法对高副机构进 行结构和运动分析 ( 高副低代 )
3D 仿真机房建模 哈尔滨工业大学 指导教师:吴勃英、张达治 蒋灿、杜科材、魏世银 机房尺寸介绍.
1 第三章 数列 数列的概念 考点 搜索 ●数列的概念 ●数列通项公式的求解方法 ●用函数的观点理解数列 高考 猜想 以递推数列、新情境下的 数列为载体, 重点考查数列的通 项及性质, 是近年来高考的热点, 也是考题难点之所在.
相关分析 回归分析 案例 第八章 相关与回归 相关和回归分析是研究事物的相互关系,测定它们联 系的紧密程度,揭示其变化的具体形式和规律性的统 计方法,是构造各种经济模型、进行结构分析、政策 评价、预测和控制的重要工具。 主要内容.
第 3 章 分析化学中的误差及数据处理 3.1 分析化学中的误差 3.2 有效数字及其运算规则 3.3 有限数据的统计处理 3.4 回归分析法.
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§9. 恒定电流场 第一章 静电场 恒定电流场. 电流强度  电流:电荷的定向移动  正负电荷反方向运动产生的电磁效应相同 ( 霍尔效应 特例 ) 规定正电荷流动的方向为正方向  电流方向:正方向、反方向  电流强度 ( 电流 ) A 安培 标量 单位时间通过某一截面的电荷.
SCI 数据库检索练习参考 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读 者可以根据题目进行另外的检索练习,如: 可将 “ 与 ” 运算检索改为 “ 或 ” 、 “ 非 ” 运算检索 等等。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读.
§7.2 估计量的评价标准 上一节我们看到,对于总体 X 的同一个 未知参数,由于采用的估计方法不同,可 能会产生多个不同的估计量.这就提出一 个问题,当总体的一个参数存在不同的估 计量时,究竟采用哪一个好呢?或者说怎 样评价一个估计量的统计性能呢?下面给 出几个常用的评价准则. 一.无偏性.
SME.USTB Human Factors 人机工程学 By Wei Dong Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB.
高 频 电 子 线 路高 频 电 子 线 路 主讲 元辉 5.5 晶体振荡器 石英晶体振荡器的频率稳定度 1 、石英晶体谐振器具有很高的标准性。 、石英晶体谐振器与有源器件的接入系数通常近似 如下 受外界不稳定因素的影响少。 3 、石英晶体谐振器具有非常高的值。 维持振荡频率稳定不变的能力极强。
Presentation transcript:

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 哈尔滨医科大学流行病学教研室 Department of epidemiology , Harbin Medical University

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University Stage of susceptibility Subclinical Disease Stage of Clinical Disease Stage of Recovery, Disability, or Death Exposure PathologicalChanges Onset of Symptoms Usual Time of Diagnosis 疾病自然史( Natural History of Disease )

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 目 录 目 录  概述  筛检试验的评价  筛检效果的评价  Introduction  Evaluation of screening test  Evaluation of effectiveness Outline

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  筛检是运用快速、简便的 试验、检查或其他方法, 将健康人群中那些可能有 病或缺陷,但表面健康的 人、同那些可能无病者鉴 别开来 Screening is defined as the use of quick and simple testing procedures to identify and separate persons who are apparently well, but who may be at risk of a disease, from those who probably do not have the disease. 第一节 概述 Introduction

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University Apparently Well Population to be Tested Screening Test Diagnostic Test Disease or Risk Factor Present Disease or Risk Factor Absent Negatives (Normal) (Persons presumed to be free of disease) Negative on screening Positive on screen, no disease Positive on screen, disease present Positives (abnormal) presumed to have disease Treatment Intervention 筛检试验流程图 Flow diagram of screening test

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 筛查方法的评价与选择程序 Procedures of evaluation and selection for screening test 金标准 (gold standard) 目标人 群 Target populatio n 病人 Patien t 非病 人 Non- patien t 待评价筛查方法 Screening to be evaluated 评价指标 Evaluation indicator + - + -

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 筛检试验 Screening test 识别健康人群中未被发现的某病患者 或可疑患者,或高危个体 Screening is the detection of patients, suspected patient and high risk of the disease in healthy population

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 筛检试验 Screening test 问卷、常规体格检查、物理学检查、 实验室检验、分子生物学技术 Questionnaire, routine physical examination, physical examination, laboratory tests, molecular biology techniques

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 根据所用的筛检方法的数 量多少  单项筛检  多项筛选 筛检的分类 Categories of screening Based on the on the quantity of screening methods Single screening Multiple screening

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 根据筛检对象的范围不同  人群筛检  目标筛检 筛检的分类 Categories of screening Based on the scope of screening subjects Mass screening Targeted screening

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 简单性 廉价性 快速性 安全性 可接受性 筛检试验应具备五个特征 Five characteristics that screening test should have Simple Cheap Quick Safe Acceptable

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 一级预防 二级预防 疾病的自然史 流行病学检测 筛检的目的 Primary prevention Secondary prevention Natural history of disease Epidemiological surveillance Purposes of screening

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  筛检的疾病是当地一个 重大的公共卫生问题  具备有效的治疗或预防 方法 应用筛检的原则 Principles for the application of screening The disease being screened should be a major problem Acceptable treatment or prevention methods should be available for individuals with diseases discovered in the screening process.

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  有进一步确诊的方法 与条件  该病的自然史明确 A suitable and effective test or examination for the disease should be available The natural history of the disease should be adequately understood 应用筛检的原则 Principles for the application of screening

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  该病具有较长的潜伏期 或领先时间  预期有良好的筛检效益 The disease should have a recognizable course, with early and latent states of the disease being identifiable Expected good efficiency of screening should be available 应用筛检的原则 Principles for the application of screening

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 伦理学问题 Ethical Issues 尊重个人意愿 Respect for person’s will 有益无害 Useful and harmless 公正 Fairness

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 一、筛检试验的评价方法 ( Evaluation methods )  确定金标准 (Determine Gold Standard)  选择研究对象 (Chose Study Subjects)  样本量的估计 (Estimate Sample Size)  整理评价结果 (Sort out evaluation result) 第二节 筛检试验的评价 Evaluation of Screening test

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 金 标 准金 标 准 所谓 “ 金标准 ” 是指当前 临床医学界公认的诊断 疾病的最可靠方法 Gold Standard The best available test that is universally recognized by clinical medical circles is called the GOLD STANDARD.

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 病例组 纳入各种类型的病人 对照组 最好选择需要与研究疾病鉴别 的其他病人,即所选择的对照 组与病例组具有许多相似的条 件 研究对象 Study Subjects Case group Include appropriate spectrum of patients Control group Need to be distinguished to the disease studied, that is the control has co-morbid conditions with case

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 样 本 量 Sample Size 影响样本量的因素 待评价筛检试验的灵敏度 待评价筛检试验的特异度 显著性水平( α ) 允许误差( d ) Factors determine sample size Sensitivity of screening to be evaluated Specificity of screening to be evaluated Significance level ( α ) Allowable error ( d )

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 当待评价筛检试验的灵敏度和特异度均接近 50 % Both sensitivity and specificity of screening to be evaluated approach 50% n: the number of abnormal (diseased) or normal (healthy) patients in the study. δ: admissible error. P: the estimation of sensitivity and specificity for testing. u a : the u value for the cumulative probability equal to a/2.

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 当待评价筛检试验的灵敏度和特异度小于 20% 或大于 80% Both sensitivity and specificity of screening to be evaluated less than 20% or greater than 80%

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 本来有病,被筛检为阳性 本来有病,被筛检为阴性 本来无病,被筛检为阳性 本来无病,被筛检为阴性 评价结果 Evaluation Results

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 评价结果 Evaluation Results Disease Status ( Gold Standard ) +- Test Result + Have disease, test positive a (TP) Free of disease, test positive b (FP) Test Positive - Have disease, test negative c (FN) Free of disease, test negative d (TN) Test Negative Have disease Free of disease

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  真实性( validity )  可靠性( reliability )  预测值( predictive value ) 二、筛检试验的评价指标 Evaluation Index

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  灵敏度( sensitivity )  假阴性率( false negative rate ) 筛检试验 (screening) 金标准 (gold standard) 合计 (total) 患者 (patient) 非患者 (non-patient) 阳性 (positive) 真阳性 (TP) A 假阳性 (FP) B R1R1 阴性 (negative) 假阴性 (FN) C 真阴性 (TN) D R2R2 合计 (total) C1C1 C2C2 N 真实性( validity )

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University False Negative Rate Likelihood of a negative result when patient actually has disease False Negatives Sensitivity

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University False Negatives Sensitivity Likelihood of a negative result when patient actually has disease False Negative Rate

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University False negative rate increases with decreased sensitivity Sensitivity False Negatives False Negative Rate Likelihood of a negative result when patient actually has disease

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  特异度( specificity )  假阳性率( false positive rate ) 筛检试验 (screening) 金标准 (gold standard) 合计 (total) 患者 (patient) 非患者 (non-patient) 阳性 (positive) 真阳性 (TP) A 假阳性 (FP) B R1R1 阴性 (negative) 假阴性 (FN) C 真阴性 (TN) D R2R2 合计 (total) C1C1 C2C2 N 真实性( validity )

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University False Positive Rate Likelihood of a positive result when patient does not have the disease False Positives Specificity

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University False Positive Rate Likelihood of a positive result when patient does not have the disease False Positives Specificity

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University False Positive Rate Likelihood of a positive result when patient does not have the disease False positive rate increases with decreased specificity Specificity False Positives

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  正确指数( Youden’s index ) =(特异度+灵敏度)- 1 = 1 -(假阳性率+假阴性率) 真实性( validity ) 筛检试验 (screening) 金标准 (gold standard) 合计 (total) 患者 (patient) 非患者 (non-patient) 阳性 (positive) 真阳性 (TP) A 假阳性 (FP) B R1R1 阴性 (negative) 假阴性 (FN) C 真阴性 (TN) D R2R2 合计 (total) C1C1 C2C2 N

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  阳性似然比 (positive likelihood ratio ,+ LR )  阴性似然比 (negative likelihood ratio ,- LR ) 真实性( validity ) 筛检试验 (screening) 金标准 (gold standard) 合计 (total) 患者 (patient) 非患者 (non-patient) 阳性 (positive) 真阳性 (TP) A 假阳性 (FP) B R1R1 阴性 (negative) 假阴性 (FN) C 真阴性 (TN) D R2R2 合计 (total) C1C1 C2C2 N

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 真实性( validity ) 筛检试验 (screening) 金标准 (gold standard) 合计 (total) 患者 (patient) 非患者 (non-patient) 阳性 (positive) 真阳性 (TP) A 假阳性 (FP) B R1R1 阴性 (negative) 假阴性 (FN) C 真阴性 (TN) D R2R2 合计 (total) C1C1 C2C2 N  一致率( agreement rate ),符合率 一致率

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 真实性( validity ) 筛检试验 (screening) 金标准 (gold standard) 合计 (total) 患者 (patient) 非患者 (non-patient) 阳性 (positive) 真阳性 (TP) A 假阳性 (FP) B R1R1 阴性 (negative) 假阴性 (FN) C 真阴性 (TN) D R2R2 合计 (total) C1C1 C2C2 N 取值范围: -1 和+ 1 之间 Range: between -1 and +1 Kappa 值判断标准 Kappa 值一致性强度 <0<0 弱 0 ~ 0.2 轻 0.21 ~ 0.40 尚好 0.41 ~ 0.60 中度 0.61 ~ 0.80 高度 0.81 ~ 1 最强

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University Kappa 值 = 实际一致性 / 非机遇一致性 观察一致性 (Observation consistency) 机遇一致性 (Opportunity consistency) 非机遇一致性 (Non-opportunity consistency) 实际一致性 (Actral consistency) 真实性( validity ) 筛检试验 (screening) 金标准 (gold standard) 合计 (total) 患者 (patient) 非患者 (non-patient) 阳性 (positive) 真阳性 (TP) A 假阳性 (FP) B R1R1 阴性 (negative) 假阴性 (FN) C 真阴性 (TN) D R2R2 合计 (total) C1C1 C2C2 N

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  标准差与变异系数 coefficient of variance , CV  符合率( agreement rate ) Agreement rate Screening test 2 Screening test 1 Total PositiveNegative Positive ABR1R1 Negative CDR2R2 Total C1C1 C2C2 N 可靠性( reliability )

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 影响可靠性的因素 Determinants of reliability ☉ Biological variations of subjects ☉ Variations in different observers ☉ Variations in different lab condition  受试对象生物学变异  观察变异  实验室条件

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  阳性预测值 ( positive predictive value )  阴性预测值 (negative predictive value) Screening test Gold standard Total PatientNon-patient PositiveTrue Positive AFalse Positive BR1R1 Negative False Negative CTrue Negative DR2R2 TotalC1C1 C2C2 N 预测值( predictive value )

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 灵敏度、特异度、患病率与预测值的关系 Relationship between sensitivity, specificity, prevalence and predict value

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University sensitivity and specificity in different blood sugar level blood sugar SN SP blood sugar SN SP ( mg/100ml ) (﹪) (﹪) ( mg/100ml ) (﹪) ( ﹪) Relationship between sensitivity and specificity 灵敏度与特异度的关系

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 非病人病人 某项诊断标准的数值 截断点 Threshold 三、筛检试验截断值的确定 Determination of screening cut-off point 理想情况 Ideal situation 理想情况 Ideal situation 人数 Number NormalDisease

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 非病人 Normal 病人 Abnormal 某项诊断标准的数值 Cut-off 三、筛检试验截断值的确定 Determination of screening cut-off point 实际情况 Actual situation 实际情况 Actual situation 人数 Population

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University Number of persons Measurement Screening tests use an arbitrary cut-off to separate two populations (normal vs. abnormal) NormalAbnormal a c b d Normal a c d b

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University Number Measurement Where cut-off is placed determines sensitivity and specificity Screening tests use an arbitrary cut-off to separate two populations (normal vs. abnormal)

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University Number Measurement Where cut-off is placed determines sensitivity and specificity Normal Abnormal Few False Negatives High Sensitivity - result + result Screening tests use an arbitrary cut-off to separate two populations (normal vs. abnormal)

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University Number Measurement Where cut-off is placed determines sensitivity and specificity Normal Abnormal Few False Positives High Specificity - result + result Screening tests use an arbitrary cut-off to separate two populations (normal vs. abnormal)

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University Number Measurement Where cut-off is placed determines sensitivity and specificity Normal Abnormal Trade off between False – and False + - result + result Screening tests use an arbitrary cut-off to separate two populations (normal vs. abnormal)

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University Number Measurement Test with High Sensitivity Normal Abnormal A negative result allows you to rule-out whatever you are testing - result + result SnNout Screening tests use an arbitrary cut-off to separate two populations (normal vs. abnormal)

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University Number Measurement Test with High Specificity Normal Abnormal A positive result allows you to rule-in whatever you are testing - result + result SpPin Screening tests use an arbitrary cut-off to separate two populations (normal vs. abnormal)

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 用真阳性率和假阳性率作图得出的曲线,可用于 确定筛检试验的截断值。 A receiver operating characteristic (ROC), or simply ROC curve, is a graphical is a graphical plot of the sensitivity, or true positives, vs. (1 − specificity), or false positives, for a binary classifier system as its discrimination threshold is varied. 受试者工作特性曲线 Receiver operator characteristic curve, ROC

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 特异度 血糖测定诊断糖尿病的 ROC 曲线 截断点 Cutoff point ROC curve for diagnosis of diabetes using blood glucose

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 第三节 筛检效果评价 Evaluation of effectiveness 一、收益  选择患病率高的人群  选用高灵敏度的筛检试验  采用联合试验  串联  并联 Yield  To select the population with high prevalence rate  To select the test with high sensitivity  To design a combine test  Series test  Parallel test

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 二、筛检的生物学效果评价 Biological effectiveness evaluation 病死率、死亡率、生存率 筛检组 Screened group 未筛检组 Unscreened group 比较 Fatality rate 、 mortality rate 、 survival rate

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 三、筛检的卫生经济学效果评价 Health-economic effectiveness evaluation  成本效果分析 Cost-effectiveness analysis  成本效益分析 Cost-benefit analysis  成本效用分析 Cost-utility analysis

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  领先时间偏倚  病程长短偏倚  志愿者偏倚 Lead time bias Length bias Volunteer bias 第四节 筛检中的偏倚及其控制 Bias and Control

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  领先时间偏倚 ( lead time bias ) 领先时间:筛检诊断时间和临床诊断时间之差 Lead time: Interval between the diagnosis of a disease at screening and the usual time of diagnosis (by symptoms) Diagnosis by screening Diagnosis via symptoms Lead Time

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  Assumes survival is time between screen and death  Does not take into account lead time between diagnosis at screening and usual diagnosis. Diagnosis by screening in 1994 Death in 2008 Survival = 14 years  认为延长的生存时间是筛检诊断时间与死亡时间之差  没有考虑筛检诊断时间和临床诊断时间之间的领先时间  领先时间偏倚 ( lead time bias )

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University Diagnosis by screening in 1994 Usual time of diagnosis via symptoms in 1998 Lead Time 4 years Death in 2008 True Survival = 10 years Survival = 14 years  领先时间偏倚 ( lead time bias )

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  病程长短偏倚 ( length bias ) 疾病 开始 筛检 查出 症状 开始 死亡 ODPY O Biological onset of disease Y Symptoms Begin D Death P Disease detectable via screening

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University 筛检 Screening ODPY ODPY ODPY ODPY ODPY OPYD 时间 Time 恶性程度高 Aggressive 恶性程度低 Less aggressive  病程长短偏倚 ( length bias )

Department of Epidemiology Public Health College of Harbin Medical University  志愿者( volunteer bias ) Type of bias where those who choose to participate are likely to be different from those who don’t. 筛检参加者与不参加者之间,某些特征可能存在不同 而导致的偏倚。