There are limits on the number of 100-series courses that can be used for credit towards your degree Combination of full and half credits. No time limit for the completion of a degree Subject POSts (Programs Of Study) are the focus of your degree Choice of large (Specialist), medium (Major), or small (Minor) Subject POSts Course Selection Step 1: Review Degree and Subject POSt (Program Of Study) Requirements You can complete more than the “minimum” number of Subject POSts. You can select up to 3 Subject POSts with a maximum of 2 large Subject POSts ( e.g. Majors or Specialists). Breadth Requirements are “exit” requirements – they don’t have to be completed in your first year of study but are required for the completion of your degree. The CGPA determines your academic status (e.g. In Good Standing, On Academic Probation etc.) and your eligibility to graduate. Grades in the low- to-mid 60’s will provide a CGPA in the 1.85 range but many Subject POSts have a much higher “cut-off” point for admission consideration.
Step 2: Review Subject POSt (Program Of Study) Options in the Guide to Undergraduate Studies, Online Calendar and Timetable Program information can be found in the Faculty of Arts and Science’s Guide to Undergraduate Studies… …in the online Arts and Science Calendar… …and in the online Registration Timetable and Instructions…
Economics Major (Arts program) This is a limited enrolment program. Space permitting, students who request the program and obtain at least the specified mark(s) in the required course(s) will be eligible to enrol. Achieving these markes does not necessarily guarantee admission to the program in a given year. Required courses and grades for program enrolment: (ECO100Y1 with a final mark of at least 67%, or ECO105Y1 with a final mark of at least 80%), AND MAT133Y1 with a final mark of at least 63%, or (MAT135H1 with a final mark of at least 60% and MAT136H1 with a final mark of at least 60%), or MAT137Y1 with a final mark of at least 55%, or MAT157Y1 with a final mark of at least 55%. Program Course Requirements: 7 full courses or their equivalent First Year (2 FCE): 1. ECO100Y1/ECO105Y1; 2. MAT133Y1 (MAT123H, MAT124H)/(MAT135H, MAT136H)/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1 Second Year (Core courses, 3.0 FCE) : 1.ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, 2.ECO202Y1/ECO208Y1/ECO209Y1, 3.ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA220H1, STA255H1)/(STA257H1, STA261H1) Step 3: Review Program Descriptions in Calendar to determine required 1 st Year courses Major program in Economics requires two FCE’s (Full Credit Equivalents) in first year as part of the requirements for admission to this limited enrolment program: ECO100Y1 (or ECO105Y1) plus MAT133Y1 (or MAT123H + MAT124H or MAT135H + MAT136H or MAT137Y1 or MAT157Y) Subject POSts determine the type of degree you receive: - Honours Bachelor of Arts (H.B.A.) - Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc.) - Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) Minimum grades in required first year courses determine eligibility for admission to limited enrolment programs of study
Consider Elective Course Options: 4.Courses that can help fulfill the Breadth Requirement: The required courses for your programs of interest will fulfill some of your breadth requirement. You don’t have to complete the Breadth requirement in 1st year, but it can be a good opportunity to take an elective course in a category you need 2.Small class experiences – 199 courses, FLCs, New One (other college ‘One’s), These are unique opportunities only available in your 1 st year, including a chance to get to know your professor - each class usually has no more than 25 students 199 courses are designed to help fulfill the breadth requirement and you should ideally choose one in a category that is different from your main programs of interest 3.Skills development courses – e.g. writing courses and languages: Courses such as Effective Writing (ENG100H1) or Writing Essays (INI103H1) can help build skills that will be valuable for other courses you take U. of T. offers over 40 different languages to learn 1.Introductory courses that will give you additional Subject POSt options: It is important to have several options for Subject POSts at the end of 1 st year in case your first choice is not what you expected or you do not achieve the grade needed to enter the program Taking an additional introductory course allows you to explore other interests you may have 5.Explore something that wasn’t available in high school or that may help towards future goals: The advantage of being at a university as large as U. of T. is the huge selection of courses Professional programs (medicine, pharmacy, social work etc.) generally focus on marks and not program choices, but may suggest some courses to take during your undergraduate years 6.Review Course Evaluations on the Learning Portal Consider what other students have thought of courses Evaluate the courses you are enrolled in