Li Wei UCL Institute of Education
Structure and Content Rethinking ‘community language’ and ‘community language education’ in the global perspective the relationships between complementary schools and the so-called mainstream schools Translanguaging perspective on community language education How Translanguaging challenges ‘separate multilingualism’ – post-multilingualism
Community and Community Language in Globalization and Superdiversity Community – a set of relationships between individuals with shared cultural heritage and/or values In 21 st century, communities differ in sizes, history, demography (ethnicity, gender and sexuality, age, social class, occupation, etc), location (can be mobile or virtual), and of course language Communities are not static; they change and move, and are connected globally
Community language is the language by and for a specific set of social relationships A community language is often simultaneously a national language or even an international language in a different context Most communities (especially migrant) have more than one language, because they need to have and deal with multiple sets of social relationships
Community language education in globalization and superdiversity CLE is for enhancing different social relationships between people and peoples Cultural heritage and cultural values are key components of CLE CLE has to address nationalism and national values CLE has to address global issues and intercultural communication
New ‘Global’ Thinking of CLE Traditional purposes of CLE: *family relations *community cohesion (within) *cultural heritage/identity NOT *passing exams; *getting jobs New citizenship and national identity Community relations (outward looking) Global outlook
In need of research evidence to demonstrate: Consequences and Benefits of CLE Learning and knowledge construction Thinking (creativity, criticality) But above all, benefits to the wider society and the nation Economic benefits for the individuals and the nation Citizenship and national security International connections and global competitiveness
Links between community language schools and ‘mainstream’ schools Not a hierarchical relationship, but partnerships Not simply hiring premises and facilities What the ‘mainstream’ schools can learn and benefit from community language schools Open Door Policy – to pupils, parents and teachers, and to ‘other’ communities
Translanguaging perspective on CLE One of the key challenges of multilingualism in the 21 st century: how to protect the identity and integrity of individual languages whilst recognizing and promoting the fluidity of diversity and contact. At the individual level, language learners/users increasingly find themselves having to deal with the question of how to express one’s cultural values through a language, or languages, that is/are traditionally associated with the Other/Others.
Post-Multilingualism These are what might be called the Post- Multilingualism phenomena. The traditional approaches to multilingualism where societies are encouraged to protect and individuals are encourage to learn different languages seem less than adequate for the post-multilingualism challenges
Translanguaging A new theoretical perspective on the post- multilingualism challenge the dynamic process whereby multilingual language users mediate complex social and cognitive activities through strategic employment of multiple semiotic resources to act, to know and to be (Garcia and Li Wei, 2014).
- The trans prefix emphasizes: - the fluid practices that go beyond (transcend) socially constructed language systems and structures to engage diverse multiple meaning- making systems and subjectivities - the transformative capacity of translanguaging practices not only for language systems, but also individual’s cognition and social structures - the transdisciplinary consequences of re- conceptualizing language, language learning and language use for linguistics, psychology, sociology and education
The Translanguaging Perspective on (Community Language) Education More than a pedagogical practice Focus on meaning making multiple recourses multiple modes Focus on transformation knowledge construction subjectivity relationships
Education as a Translanguaging Space a space constituted by translanguaging and for translanguaging a space for the multilingual user to bring together different dimensions of their personal history, experience, and environment, their attitude, belief and ideology, their cognitive and physical capacity into one coordinated and meaningful performance a space where subjectivities and ideologies are constituted and re-constructed.
The Translanguaging approach aims to - transcend conventional boundaries between languages, and between language and other cognitive and semiotic systems - highlight the individual’s potential for Creativity and Criticality (Claire Kramsch: Symbolic Competence) - transform our way of thinking of multilingualism (and the Myth of Monolingualism) and the divides between multilingualism, multiculturalism, multicompetence etc.
Conclusion CLE has a long, complex history in the UK, with many achievements For CLE to meet the challenges of the 21 st century, it needs to develop a new global outlook Post-multilingualism is not about co-existence or co-use of multiple languages. It is about the dilemma of protecting the identity and integrity of different individual languages whilst recognizing and promoting the fluidity of diversity and contact.
It is about finding ways of expressing one’s cultural values and socio-political views through a language or multiple languages that are traditionally associated with the Other/Others. CLE needs to embrace Translanguaging, rather than aiming to maintain ‘separate multilingualisms’
Language learners and users know what they can/cannot do linguistically and make full use of their multilingual and multimodal resources (truncated, mobile, as they may be) creatively to push boundaries. In doing so, they show their socio-political sense and sensitivities. Through Translanguaging, their knowledge of the world, relationships with others and their own subjectivities are transformed as well.
Thank you!