A Step by Step Guide How to add your own pages to the website
Step 1: Register In order to create content for the Barton and Tredworth site, you first need to register as a Contributor. Scroll down the screen until you see this ‘Register now’ button, and click on it!
Fill in the details to the left of the screen. You will need to create a memorable username and password, and provide a valid address. Finally, enter the word verification characters and then click ‘Register.’
Congratulations – you are now registered as a Contributor! You will now see this screen, asking what you would like to do next. If you are ready to add a page, simply click on ‘Add your words and photos.’ Also, remember to check your – you will have received a message containing your username and password details.
Step 2: Adding a page This page is what will appear if you click ‘Add your words and photos.’ Here, you can give your page a title and sub-title, and add your name as the author. This will already be filled in, but can be edited if you wish. Once you are happy, click ‘Next.’
This is the ‘Add words’ tab. Notice the different tabs along the top of the screen. Every time you click ‘Next,’ you are jumping along to the next tab. Before you click ‘Next,’ though, add some words of your own by clicking in the text box and typing! Once you are happy, click ‘Next.’ Notice the ‘Hints & tips’ box. It gives helpful advice that can improve your page.
This is the ‘Add photos’ tab. Click ‘Browse...’ to select a photo stored on your computer and then click ‘Upload this image’ to upload it. Notice how the image you selected has appeared on the right hand side of the screen. Click on the image to change it’s caption or credit, or even delete it from your page. Once you’ve entered the information, click ‘Done’ to go back to the main ‘Add photos’ tab, where you can add more or click ‘Next’ to preview your page.
The ‘Preview’ tab allows you to see what your page will look like once it is up on the site. It allows you to change the format of your page using the numbered options at the top right of the screen. When you have found a layout you like, click ‘Next’ to save your page. Click each numbered button to see how it changes the layout of your page.
Once you get to the ‘Save’ tab, you will be asked what you would like to do next with your page. You can save it and continue editing it later, save a draft for later, or save the page and submit it to a site editor for approval. Once submitted for approval, it will be looked over by an editor and then uploaded. You can check the upload status of your page by looking at the ‘What’s New’ section at the bottom of the Barton and Tredworth Community Heritage homepage.
Adding multimedia The Barton and Tredworth Community Heritage website also has the ability to display multimedia elements on its pages (video and sound recordings). In order to upload multimedia, a Contributor must first be given Editor status. If you would like to be able to do this, you should contact the Editorial staff via at The following slides will give information on how to add multimedia to your page
The first thing you will notice as an Editor is that you have a few more tabs across the top of the page. These are ‘Add documents,’ ‘Add map,’ ‘Add multimedia,’ and ‘Publish.’ ‘Add documents’ allows you to add a document (such as a PDF or Word document), while ‘Add map’ allows you to search Google Maps and embed the map on your page. Click on ‘Add multimedia.’
This is the ‘Add multimedia’ tab. Here, you may add audio clips stored on your computer by clicking on ‘Browse...’ And then selecting the clip you wish to upload, before clicking on the ‘Upload this clip’ button. Once it has uploaded, you will notice that your sound clip has appeared on the right hand side of the screen. It will need some details adding to it, so click on the word ‘Edit’ in brackets.
Here, you can give your clip a name and also a short description of what it is. Further down the page, you can add a transcript if you wish, and if you have more than one clip, re-arrange them so that they appear on your finished page in a different order. Clicking on ‘Done’ at the bottom of the page will take you back to the ‘Add multimedia’ main page where you can add more clips, or a video.
To add a video clip to your page, you need to find the ‘embedding code’ that is usually available below the clip on the hosting site. It needs to be copied into this box, and then click the ‘Add this code’ button. This screen shows the location of the ‘embedding code’ on Youtube, but other sites (such as Vimeo and Dailymotion) may vary. To show the code, just click on the ‘share’ button, and then ‘embed.’ The code in the box is what needs to copied into the box on the Barton and Tredworth site. Please note that only clips that are hosted on a video sharing site can be uploaded – you cannot upload videos that are stored on your computer at present.
Once you’ve added the code, you can preview your page by clicking on the ‘Preview’ tab. You can also alter the layout with the drop down box on the right. Once you are happy, you can move on to the ‘Publish’ tab. In the ‘Publish’ tab, you can select where on the site you wish to place your new page... If it shows up on the ‘What’s new’ list... Which types of adverts will display alongside your page... And finally, this button allows you to publish the page to the site so that everyone can view it!
We hope that this presentation has given you the skills to start creating new contributions for your Community Heritage site. Any questions regarding anything you have seen in this presentation should be forwarded to Thank you!