Library and documentation The Library and Documentation Service offers a wide range of services and provides users with a full updated collection on vocational.


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Presentation transcript:

Library and documentation The Library and Documentation Service offers a wide range of services and provides users with a full updated collection on vocational training accessible online. The overall mission is stated in Regulation (EEC) No 337/75 of the Council of 10 February 1975 establishing a European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Article 2, paragraph 2: The main tasks of the centre shall be: to compile selected documentation relating in particular to the present situation, the latest developments and research in the relevant fields, and to matters of vocational training structure; … The librarys principal objective is: to select, acquire, process and disseminate a wide range of printed and electronic materials relevant to its target groups. The library information strategy is based on a decentralised approach reflected in the documentary information network with representatives from the 15 Member States plus Norway and Iceland. Access to the library Most services are available online at: Visitors are received by appointment only, at the following times: Monday to Friday, and They are requested to state the purpose of their visit by filling out a form available at: Queries from target audiences are also accepted by to or by post to Marc Willem, Head of the Library and Documentation Service. Contacting the library Fax(30-31) Tel.(30-31) Post:PO Box 22427, GR-55102, Thessaloniki Head office: Europe 123 GR-57001, Thessaloniki (Pylea) VET-ACRO contains acronyms and abbreviations related to vocational education and training; VET-iR a collection of VET Internet resources; VET-ePer a selection of electronic periodicals available online; VET-CONF a list of conferences, related to all aspects of training; VET-THES (multilingual thesaurus of vocational training) Cedefop's indexing tool. It contains approximately 1500 descriptors and currently exists in seven languages (EN, FR, DE, ES, IT, GR, PT). Version 1.2/EN/ Cedefop

Collections and the bibliographic database The main source of information is VET-BIB, our bibliographical database, which contains references to published and electronic material (monographs, research reports, legislation, EU OJ, COM documents, Parliament reports, ESC opinions, journal articles, grey literature, etc.) at EU, international and national levels. All the documents referenced in our bibliographical database are available either in the Cedefop library or from the documentary information network libraries. They can be requested via inter-library loan. The collections comprise:. the main collection divided into: comparative documents on EU Member States, non-EU countries, international comparisons and relevant documents from the Member States. journals and periodicals. reference material. statistics. microfilms and CD-ROMs. qualifications and professions. EU programmes. thematic dossiers A unique special library on training in Europe The Cedefop library is a special library: its collections are specialised on one main topic: vocational education and training (VET) in the European Union, it is aimed at well defined target groups: Cedefop staff, EU policy makers, national governments, social partners, training practitioners, information disseminators, training and research organisations, university institutes and a limited number of higher education students doing post- graduate research on vocational education and training. In February 2000, the bibliographical database contained about bibliographical records and the library collections amounted to items. Information services In addition to the library collections and the bibliographical database, the Cedefop Library and Documentation Service offers a large range of information services, all available on our Interactive Website: /library.asp VET- Eurodoc proposes a selection of documents from the Official Journal and other Community publications; VET-Instit (database of training institutions) : a list of circa institutions with responsibilities in the VET field; ETV-News contains up-to-date information on the most recent events and issues in the field of vocational training; VET-DOS thematic dossiers are online and include comparative reports; VET-eLIB the digital library contains the electronic format of VET key documents;