ASPnet schools in ESTONIA
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia ASPnet schools in ESTONIA For today there are 5 schools in Estonia who have joined ASPnet, and namely: Tallinn Lilleküla High School Address:Kuldnoka 24, Tallinn Tel: Faks:
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia ASPnet schools in ESTONIA Loo Secondary School Address: Saha tee 7, Loo Jõelähtme vald, Harju maakond Tel: Sirje Piht
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia ASPnet schools in ESTONIA Tallinn Art Grammar School Address: Kopli 102 a, Tallinn Tel direktor
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia ASPnet schools in ESTONIA Collegium Educationis Revaliae Address:Vene 22,10123 Tallinn Tel: Faks: Anu Nigesen
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia ASPnet schools in ESTONIA Tartu Tamme Gymnasium Address: Tamme Avenue 24a, Tartu Tel: Faks: Urmas Tokko
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia Candidate to our ASPnet Now we are involving one high school to ASP network. Young people study there environment, chemistry, sociology, history, mathematics etc. Teachers and students of this institution have done good job and show really great activity especially in two fields: in protection of natural and cultural heritage. They have completed and published several researches and polling results concerning enivironmental
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia Candidate to our ASPnet problems and risks. Preserving cultural heritage, they have transformed one of the classrooms to the temple (according to Nikolai Roerich), which isfirst issue of that kind in the Europe. In this temple they discuss philosophical problems and aspects. Their activities on the field of education are also very remarkable.
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia Attention Areas environmental problems cultural heritage multicultural dialogue, regarding integration HIV/AIDS prevention
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia Environmental problems Under advisable support from ASPnet BSP schools Estonian Ministry of the Environment Estonian National Commission for UNESCO (ENC) Estonian Youth Work Centre Estonian Ministry of Education and Research we have applied EC for the project, to held the international conference “Youth and environmental awareness”, which will consider the environmental problems in the region of Baltic Sea, participation of youth in dealing with and solving these problems, as well as improving awareness of young people of the Baltic Sea region in the sphere of environmental problems.
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia Environmental problems The conference will take place in summer 2004 in Estonia, proposed duration is 5 days. Target group of this project will be: Teachers and pupils of UNESCO ASPnet schools in Estonia and Baltic Sea countries, youth organisations of Estonia and other Baltic countries Purposes of the conference: Improving environmental awareness of young people. Arranging of youth's priorities towards protecting our environment. Developing of co-operation possibilities in the region of Baltic Sea between youth of Baltic countries and UNESCO ASPnet schools.
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia Environmental problems Exchange of experience with representatives of other states within the thematic of this project Propagation of concepts regarding sustainable development Cross cultural dialogue among representatives of Baltic Sea countries Integration between young people from EU applicant countries and EU member states, making contacts, exchanging experiences in order to raise their awareness in solving of environmental problems. Before this we plan to open an international essee contest “Youth and environmental awareness” for BSP and ASPnet schools in Baltic Sea Region.The winners of this international contest will be welcomed to take part in the international conference.
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia Our next steps: cultural heritage,multicultural dialogue considering integration HIV/AIDS prevention
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia Cultural heritage,multicultural dialogue, regarding integration All our schools are working now on this issue, because this topic now is very important to all of us, new members of EU. Nowadays we think about how to bring these topics into school curricula as regular lessons, and then we intend to introduce this programm to Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia HIV/AIDS prevention Unfortunately, this topic has become of first priority for our countries, because every day we get more young people who get infected in HIV/AIDS through sexual intercourse. That’s why we believe that it is important to build up a programme and some educational materials for school teachers and students. It’s important that youngsters who are in the great risks to get infected into HIV/AIDS, will learn how to protect
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia HIV/AIDS prevention themselves from those terrible deseases and how support their friends without natural fear to get infected. These topics have already been discussed in the Ministry of Education and Research, as well as with different youth NGO’s dealing with HIV/AIDS related themes and projects. We hope that the schools will find these materials worth for study.
presentation to meeting in Riga, Latvia Contacts Maia Lust ASPnet national co-ordinator and manager of Estonian UNESCO Youth Centre phone: phone: mobile: