Medical Heritage Library
Mission Content-centered digital community Supporting research, education, dialog History of medicine contributing to understanding of past and present health and society Body of curated digital materials Access point to digital and non-digital holdings of contributing institutions Facilitates discourse around medical practice, human health
Scope of the MHL 58,000+ items Text, audio-visual, audio – Journals, monographs, pamphlets, ephemera, video s Primarily in English, but also French, German, Spanish, Latin, Portuguese...
Participation Levels Principal contributor: any institution that dedicates resources or staff time to achieve MHL goals and objectives. Content contributor: any institution that adds digitized materials to the MHL. Contributor: any institution that publicizes the MHL and promotes its use and development.
Searchability: Internet Archive
Searchability: MHL Tool
How to Find the MHL Website: From there, link to any of these: Internet Archive: Twitter: Facebook: Search: