The Inhabitants of the British Isles: The Celts OBJECTIVE: To understand the Celtic influence upon the British Isles using textwork, the ECC article and video clips
(2) Read the ECC Document information for the following subtopics: Iron Age Celts’ culture: Religion Housing Fashion Warfare Travel
(3) Answer the following questions while watching the topical video: Introduction to the Celts 1.According to legend, what 3 things did Celtic gods bring to Ireland? 2.What are some modern aspects of Celtic heritage? 3.What 3 parts did the Celts order their social structure around? Magic in Ireland 1. What is the significance of the Lia Fayum? 2. Where is the magic stone of Celtic lore found? 2. What is the fabled tradition of this stone? St. Colomba 1.Who was St. Colomba? 2.What legal issue was established because of his hobby? 3.What is the story of “The Battler”? 4.Why did Colomba leave Ireland? 5.What did he establish on Iona? Celtic Legacy 1.What did explorer monks find in the Shetland Islands? Orkney Islands? 2.What was the monks’ reaction to the Stenness Stones? 3.What was Lukh’s talent? 4.Which 3 Celtic social orders did chess represent?