Your French name and last name Period #
2 Maps: showing the country in the world, and another one more detailed 5p
Picture illustrating the population of your country 3p
pictures of your country, several labeled 5p
Official language? Second language? Heritage? If your country has different languages, please name them on this slide 3p
Choose pictures illustrating the arts in your country. Choose a famous painting and/or sculpture, song, movie…don’t forget to label!5p
Find a typical meal or recipe from your country with pictures. 5p
Choose three facts about your country that you find interesting to share with your class. Pick something that is meaningful to you, something that you understand. Use your own words (no cut and paste!) You can always illustrate your facts. 9p Example of cool facts: particular important historic events, famous people, beautiful/interesting places to visit
40p - all the requested information 10 points- presentation/slides/design 5 points- time on task