The Net Network connecting computers Platform for communication Platform for publishing INFORMATION RESOURCE AVAILABLE TO ANYONE – INCLUDING JOURNALISTS Problem: How to find information when you need it? Answer: Journalist’s Online Source Directory
Assigment Instructions: JOSD End result: An online dierctory of sources that any journalist in your newsroom can use Categories and sub-categories that are relevant in everyday news work Intention is to help journalists to find useful information from the Net quickly
…instructions Phase 1(mixed ”newsroom” groups) Identify areas where you need online sources Arrange them in logical categories and sub-categories No need to try and cover everything, list most relevant subject areas Outline an directory where categories and sub- categories are shown Reporting PP slides on Monday morning
Groups 1. Newspaper newsroom X Chistabel, Juho, Kamufisa, Laimi 2. Radio newsroom X Laura, Leila, Linda, Martha 3. Television newsroom X Matitu, Meyase, Nathalie, Pamela, Valentine
…instructions Phase 2 (African country groups w. Finns) Modify a directory from the three presented in Phase 1 Fill in the categories as many links with titles as possible Politics President’s office: Social media! Reporting on Google Docs/Drive (online) at Monday noon
Elsewhere Southern Africa journalism links CA%20links.html CA%20links.html Online Journalism Blog reporting/ reporting/ Web Resources for Journalists
Data journalism Guardian, UK Data Driven Journalism
Southern Africa journalism links Aviation & transport Business, trade & finance Copyright Currency & calculators Environment Food Freedom of Information Genealogy Government - Europe Government - general Health & medical History & heritage Journalism - education Journalism - key sources Journalism - organizations, etc Maps Media (articles, etc) Miscellaneous Missing persons News online
Online Journalism Blog
Web Resources for Journalist
Data Driven Journalism
Guardian Data Journalism