Filipino Culture
Filipino people have a very warm personality. We are friendly and value companionship. We are caring towards our neighbors and take pride in our heritage. We are hardworking and dedicated, giving 100% in everything we do.
Filipinos are very religious. Although close to its Asian neighbors, China and Japan, the Philippines is the only Asian country that is predominantly catholic. Festivals are a way to celebrate our religion. There is a lot of dancing and bright colors, and everyone goes out to have a good time.
Filipino Food Filipino food is celebratory, indulgent, flavorful and plentiful, often spanning as many as five meals a day. Presented in a way that is meant to be a feast for the eyes as well. It is a mixed cuisine with many Hispanic, Chinese, American, and other Asian influences adapted to it.
Filipinos have strong family ties and children aren’t allowed to leave their family unless their parents give them their blessing. The family grows when the children have their own family and live in the same house they grew up in. Some who leave still have ties to the main family, and we always gather whenever there is a special occasion.
As young children we were taught strict manners and proper discipline. We were taught not to talk back to our parents and respect our elders. We address our older brothers as Kuya and our big sisters as Ate as a sign of respect. Siblings are also encouraged to respect their older brothers and sisters, the same respect they show their parents.
The Philippines is a beautiful country with scenic views and friendly people.
So Why Did We Immigrate?
Pull Factor: 1) We heard that everything was better in America. 2) Desire for Adventure 3) Education 4) Job opportunity
Push Factor: 1) We wanted to look for greener pastures. 2) Although we were content, we wanted to improve ourselves because we know there’s something better out there. 3) To break the generation curse of poverty and unfinished education.
Cultural Difference between America and Filipinos: The American and Filipino culture is pretty much the same: both value education, health, and family relationships. The only difference is that we don’t practice divorce.
Struggles in America: 1) Having to start from scratch. 2) Being alone. No relatives to turn to. 3) Missing your family who is half way around the world. 4) Discrimination.
In comparison to the Chinese who immigrated in America in the late 20 th Century, we share similar experiences in ways that people discriminate us. We are prejudiced based on our origin and appearance. There is not much difference between Filipinos and Chinese since we are a mixed race. There is a lost of identity in that we are seen not as Filipinos but as a different race.
Did we overcome these struggles?
The major quality we Filipinos have is never giving up. When faced with challenges and trials, we always find strength to stand back up.