ABOUT ME MRS. VANGELISTA I have been teaching for 11 years! I’m old! I actually did my student teaching at Burnaby Mountain I have always wanted to be a teacher and I LOVE SOCIALS! I have 3 girls Some of my favorite things are: travelling, eating pasta, pizza and gelato (who doesn’t like doing that _can you guess my heritage? ), listening to loud music and singing along with it, playing with my kids on the trampoline, running, spending time with friends, reading cool articles about Psychology, watching movies…. I have a long list but I will stop there! I am here at lunch for extra help with your course_unavailable after school ( I leave at 2) I have an awesome website (at least I think its pretty cool) I WANT TO BE IN THIS CLASS
THE WRIGHT FAMILY! OPENING DAY ACTIVITY Please form a large circle in the classroom. Each of you will receive 1 popsicle stick. This is a game of concentration and teamwork! Listen to the story carefully and follow instructions. Work together. It may be funny at times but your goal is to work together and stay focused! Have fun
COURSE OUTLINE Welcome to Social Studies 8! This socials class begins with a look at the Fall of Ancient Rome and the changes to the world, people, and cultures all over Europe and the Middle East at that time. As we travel through the past, we examine Medieval Europe, Rise of the World Religions, The Crusades, and other civilizations and how they developed and influenced the world we know today. Our journey will take us back to Europe to the Dark Ages, the Late Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and start of modern day Exploration to the New Worlds of the Americas. As we study each area of the world, we will be asking questions such as: “Where did the people of that culture live? Did they have a religion? What did they eat? What was a person’s daily life like? How was their society structured? What was their government or monarch like? What were their economies like? What impact did they have on their environments?” What religion did they have? What new technologies did they introduce? - We are going to work on organization this year. This will help you succeed in the course.
SUPPLIES Binder Textbook Plenty of lined paper Pencils, Pens (blue and black pen) Erasers Pencil crayons Ruler
EVALUATION Tests/Quizzes 30% Assignments/Projects 50% Homework 20%
ASSIGNMENTS You will complete and be marked on a variety of things: Homework Paragraphs and short assignments Maps Reports Oral Presentations AND projects Quizzes Tests
CLASS BLOG Go to: Here you will find out what’s happening in class Your assignments will also be posted here.
EXPECTATIONS - ATTENDANCE What we cover in class is important – do not miss things if you can help it. If you are away: Call the school to let us know why you are away. Go to the blogsite to see what you missed Bring a note for the school and a note for me. Expect to make up what you missed.
EXPECTATIONS - PUNCTUALITY You expect me to be here on time and ready to go. I expect the same of you. Surprise quizzes and homework checks happen at the start of class. If you are late you may be given a zero. If you do arrive late, come in without disturbing the class. Wait until you can enter without disturbing the class. Make sure I know you have arrived.
EXPECTATION - ASSIGNMENTS All assignments are given to help you learn. I do not give out “busy work” as there is too much to cover this year. If you don’t see the point in an assignment, ask! All assignments must be completed. When students fail this course it is almost always because they do not complete the work or fail to show up for class!
EXPECTATIONS Respect the rights and feelings of others. Be considerate. Do not disturb people who are working. Leave other people’s belongings alone. Never vandalize. Do not interrupt when others are talking. Raise your hand to get on a speaking list or to ask a question or request permission for something. Cell phones must be turned off during this class. Electronic devices may not be used during tests.
LEARN AND ENJOY Social Studies is fun. If it wasn’t, I would not be here! Learn and become a more educated and interesting person. Figure out what makes people, and the world, tick. Work toward scholarships in grade 12.
TEXTBOOK DISTRIBUTION Textbook Cards Teacher Name: Ms. Vangelista Today:
SURVIVOR ISLAND! CURRENT EVENT START UP Your class is going on an end-of-year trip across the ocean. Your flight encounters a bad storm, and you become stranded together on a remote island. The teacher and other adults have decided to venture off to find help. It will be several weeks until you are rescued and the class must figure out how everyone will try to live together and survive. Distribute copies of Worksheet 1.1. Each group will answer the questions to figure out how they will work together to survive on the island.
DEBRIEF Bring the class back to the big group and discuss each group’s answers. Emphasize differences between community organization (independent vs. team work/self-serving vs. helping others), the selection of the leader (democratic process vs. virtue or desire) and rules (individual rights vs. common good/freedom vs. control). Offer alternative options for students to consider if the groups do not express different answers. 4. Have a final discussion about the decision-making process involved in the group work. How were decisions made for each question? Did everyone agree with the decisions? Were decisions made quickly? Why or why not? Teacher Note: Alternatively, you could use Extension A as the Hook activity