CITY OF TAMPA Growth Management and Development Services Housing & Community Development Division 2008
SHIP Funding Activity (FY2004-FY2008) State Program FY04FY05FY06FY07FY08TOTAL Allocation$2.4$2.4$2.3$3.0$2.9$13.0 Program Income$1.5$0.8$1.6$1.3$0.7$5.9 Totals$3.9$3.2$3.9$4.3$3.6$18.9 Spent/Committed$3.9$3.2$3.9$4.3$3.6$18.9
HOME Funding Activity (FY2004-FY2008) Federal Program FY04FY05FY06FY07FY08TOTAL Entitlement Award$2.2$2.4$2.5$2.4$2.0$11.5 Program Income$1.0$1.6$0.9$0.9$0.9$5.3 Totals$3.2$4.0$3.4$3.3$2.9$16.8 Spent/Committed$3.2$4.0$3.0$2.1$0.9$13.2
Past Reimbursements Funds Reimbursed to HUD due to HOME Expenditures from 1995 to 2002$2,200,154 Funds Reimbursed to HUD due to CDBG Expenditures from 1997 to 2005$2,187,400 Total$4,387,554
Highlights of Issued RFQ to qualify Not-For-Profit organizations, private developers and contractors to build single-family homes on City-owned vacant lots in East Tampa Design Criteria
Highlights of Established design criteria for single-family homes to be built on City-owned lots. Commissioned four affordable, single-family home designs for in-fill lots Design Criteria
Highlights of Incorporated bonus density provision for affordable housing in Chapter 27 Code
Highlights of Housing Finance Authority Single Family Revenue Bond Program –Partnering with the Hillsborough County HFA and Hillsborough County –Providing $750,000 in SHIP funds to augment $10 million in HFA tax exempt bonds –HFA “80/20” mortgage, borrower receives 100% financing –Down payment assistance equal to 20% of purchase price, maximum $50,000
Highlights of Owner-occupied homes rehabilitate 14 rehabilitated with TIF funds Owner-occupied homes rehabilitated or in process 34 rehabilitated with TIF funds
Highlights of Persons / Families received down payment assistance to purchase single-family homes Persons / Families received down payment assistance to purchase single-family homes
Highlights of In-fill single-family homes built by West Tampa CDC
Completed Highlights of In-fill single family homes being built Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) COACH Foundation East Tampa Business & Civic Association
Highlights of Repairs by Centre for Women (Senior Housing Improvement Program) Repairs by Centre for Women (Senior Housing Improvement Program)
Highlights of Audit findings –The City of Tampa’s Internal audit noted significant operational improvements –HUD - closed one audit findings –SHIP - satisfactory SHIP monitoring review
Meridian Pointe Multi-family New Construction Affordable rental units opened –Meridian Pointe 2450 E. Hillsborough Avenue –Centro Asturiano 1302 E. 21st Avenue
Highlights of Affordable rental units under construction –Park Terrace N. 40 th Street & Hillsborough Avenue –San Lorenzo Terrace 4820 Gomez Avenue
New for FY 2007 Award pending on 37 East Tampa Lots for single-family in-fill homes by 3 Non-profits and 3 builders Real Estate Development Workshop series for Faith Based groups
New for FY 2007 –Central Park Village 203 Affordable Units$6,000, Affordable Units for Seniors$1,550,000 Central Park Village Tax Credit applications submitted to Florida Housing Finance Agency with contribution from the City of Tampa
–Madison Heights 108 Affordable Units for Seniors $1,500,000 New for FY 2007
City of Tampa State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) Program SHIP Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) The creation of the City’s LHAP is for the purpose of meeting the housing needs of the very low, low, and moderate income households, to expand production of and preserve affordable housing and to increase the supply and delivery of safe, decent and affordable housing in Tampa.
City of Tampa State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) Program SHIP Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) Additionally, this Plan is created to further the housing element, specifically the affordable housing component, of the City’s comprehensive plan.
SHIP LHAP Housing Strategies Down Payment / Closing Costs Assistance Singe-family In-fill / New Construction Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation or Emergency Repairs New Construction / Rehabilitation of Multi- Family Rental Units Disaster Strategy Foreclosure Prevention
SHIP LHAP Housing Strategies Affordable housing incentive strategies that are currently in place to facilitate, encourage, preserve and produce affordable housing, in order to assure safe, decent and affordable housing for the City’s very low, low, and moderate income households
SHIP LHAP Housing Strategies Existing Incentive Strategy #1 Expedited permitting - Construction Services Department has system in place for expediting permits for qualified affordable housing developments
SHIP LHAP Housing Strategies Existing Incentive Strategy #2 Ongoing review process - GMDS Director responsible for the oversight of policies, procedures ordinances that may have an impact on the cost of housing
Additional Existing Incentives Density bonus flexibility Inventory public lands for affordable housing