Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Q1 How did the first Americans get to North America?
$100 Answer from Q1 Landbridge from Asia
$200 Question from Q1 What does an archaeologist do?
$200 Answer from Q 1 Studies artifacts
$300 Question from Q1 How did the Iroquois adapt to their environment?
$300 Answer from Q1 Built Homes from Trees-
$400 Question from Q1 Why did most Iroquois settle near waterways?
$400 Answer from Q1 Transportation, Water, Farming
$500 Question from Q1 There were many different Native cultures due to their many different
$500 Answer from Q1 Geographies
$100 Question from Quarter 2 Why did all settlers come to the colonies?
$100 Answer from Q2 Religious Freedom -
$200 Question from Q2 What did the House of Burgesses do?
$200 Answer from Q2 Establish First Colonial Representative Government
$300 Question from Q2 Name the three Colonial Sections and Describe their Geography
$300 Answer from Q2 New England- Cold/Rocky Soil Middle_ In the middle/Hot/Cold South- Fertile soil/year round farming
$400 Question from Q2 What was the main purpose of the Mayflower Compact?
$400 Answer from Q2 Vow to work for the good of the colony
$500 Question from Q2 Which group controlled NY before the English?
$500 Answer from Q2 Dutch
$100 Question Q3 What was New France, and how did they make $?
$100 Answer from Q3 Friendly French Fish and Fur
$200 Question from Q3 Why were New England Town Meetings important?
$200 Answer from Q3 Helped establish early democratic government
$300 Question from Q3 Explain Mercantilism
$300 Answer from Q3 Make Momma Money Colonies ONLY exist to make Mother Country Rich Momma takes out ALL RAW MATERIALS
$400 Question from Q3 Which colonial section needed agricultural workers? Why? What labor force did they use?
$400 Answer from Q3 South Plantations Slavery
$500 Question from Q3 What was the point of ALL colonials Acts?
$500 Answer from Q3 Make England Money Make sure England profited from trade
$100 Question from Q4 What is a Cash crop?
$100 Answer from Q4 Something easily sold for $
$200 Question from Q4 What was the Albany Plan of Union?
$200 Answer from Q4 Join or Die Snake cut into pieces Colonies Must Unite
$300 Question from Q4 How did the French and Indian War Lead to the American Revolution?
$300 Answer from Q4 Brits in debt, make colonist pay back Through taxes
$400 Question from Q4 What was the Proclamation of 1763, and why did King George III issue is?
$400 Answer from Q4 Sets Appalachian Mts as temporary boundary To avoid war with Natives
$500 Question from Q4 What is a boycott?
$500 Answer from Q4 Refusal to buy goods To reduce a countrys profit
$100 Question from Everything Why did colonists feel the taxes Were unnfair?
$100 Answer from Everything Colonists lacked representation in Parliament
$200 Question from Everything What is propaganda and who used it?
$200 Answer from Everything Paul Revere, the Boston Massacre
$300 Question from Everything What was T. Paine’s Common Sense?
$300 Answer from Everything The Colonists MUST break away from England
$400 Question from Everything Who wrote the Declaration of Independence and what Was the main idea?
$400 Answer from Everything Thomas Jefferson List the reasons the colonies are breaking free from England
$500 Question from Everything What is the difference between a Loyalist And a Patriot?
$500 Answer from Everything Loyalist wants to remain LOYAL to the King Patriot wants American independence
Final Jeopardy Describe the British 3 Prong Attack on NY Did it succeed ? Why is this so important?
Final Jeopardy Answer All Meet in Saratoga Clinton up from NYC Burgoyne down from Canada St. Ledger across from Lake Ontario They fail.. Turning Point