Curriculum Framework (250 hours) Compulsory Part (184 hours) Heat Transfer and Gases(23 hours) Force & Motion (50 hours) Wave Motion (47 hours) Electricity & Magnetism (48 hours) Radioactivity& Nuclear Energy(16 hours) Elective Part (50 hours) Energy & Use of Energy(25 hours) Medical Physics (25 hours) SBA (Practical work) (16 hours)
A block on a rough horizontal surface is moving to the left with constant speed under two horizontal forces 2 N and 12 N indicated as shown. If the force of 12 N is suddenly removed, what is the net force acting on the block at that instant ?
Two particles P and Q start from the same position and travel along the same straight line. The figure shows the velocity- time (v-t) graph for P and Q. Which of the following descriptions about their motion is/are correct ? (1)At t = 1 s, P changes its direction of motion. (2)At t = 2 s, the separation between P and Q is 4 m. (3)At t = 4 s, P and Q meet each other. Two particles P and Q start from the same position and travel along the same straight line. The figure shows the velocity- time (v-t) graph for P and Q. Which of the following descriptions about their motion is/are correct ? (1)At t = 1 s, P changes its direction of motion. (2)At t = 2 s, the separation between P and Q is 4 m. (3)At t = 4 s, P and Q meet each other.
X X G G Y Y 0.7 m 0.5 m 154 N ground What is the reaction acting on the wheel X from the ground ?
Electricity and Magnetism
I I I I AB mag. force on A
Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy
Energy and Use of Energy
Medical Physics
To become a good student in physics, you have to be very careful in doing calculations eager to investigate deep into questions and difficult concepts able to associate day-to- day phenomena with physics prepared to work very hard to solve a lot of problems willing to accept challenges and won’t easily give up
The End