Performance Tasks for Rigorous Thinking
Learning Objectives By the end of this session, participants will be able to… 1.Explain WHY Performance Tasks are valuable instructional and assessment structures for deep learning. 2.List 7 key skills that students must be able to demonstrate on Smarter Balanced Performance Tasks. 3.List 5 instructional techniques that teachers should use to train students for complex, integrated thinking.
WhenWhatWhoHow 3:30 Welcome SaraOverview 3:40 The Student Experience ParticipantsClassroom Experience 4:20 The Who and What ParticipantsLarge Group discussion 4:30 The Why SaraMini-Presentation 4:35 What’s Next for Teaching and Learning Cycles? Participants Small Group Collaboration and Report 4:55 Self-Assessment Participants Turn and Talk Fist to Five
Learn by Doing
Packet of information 1.Part 1 Instructions — 2.Notetaking chart 3.Research Questions 4.4 Sources Wikipedia Letter-Washington Post Letter-Ottumwa Courier Part 2 Instructions Print Materials at content/uploads/2012/09/performance-tasks/nuclear.pdf content/uploads/2012/09/performance-tasks/nuclear.pdf Digitals at
Read Part 1
James Hansen on Nuclear Energy
CNN Report: Fukushima’s Meltdown Zone a Year Later
Part 2
What ARE Performance Tasks? What skills do they require? What content knowledge do they require?
* Effect on Knowledge * Traditional testing and tasks: * Do you know it? * Performance assessment and tasks: * How well can you use what you know? * Integrates content knowledge, process skills, work habits, and authentic literacy Hibbard et al. Teacher’s Guide to Performance Based Learning and Assessment. (1996).
* NC Accountability Measures * Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium * Multi-State consortium to develop CCSS-aligned tests * NC chose to work with SBAC, not PARCC * 4 Item and Task Types * Selected Response * Technology-Enhanced * Constructed Response * Performance Tasks Performance Tasks
* Strategic and Extended Thinking
The 5E Instructional Model
* The use of Performance Tasks… * Does not change the curriculum significantly … BUT… * DOES influence teachers to use a wide array of instructional strategies modeled on the Performance Tasks their districts have developed Research Report. How Performance Assessments Affect Teaching and Learning (ASCD, 1995).
* Effect on Student Learning * More engagement with project-based tasks than other assignments * Better writing skills and habits * Better study habits * More rigorous content challenge Research Report. How Performance Assessments Affect Teaching and Learning (ASCD, 1995).
* Authentic scenario project-based learning tasks * Can range from short activities taking a partial period to polished projects for authentic audience * Integrate content knowledge, process skills, and work habits * Reading, writing, speaking, listening, research, product * Assess multiple standards within a focused task * Better measure than traditional test of * Depth of understanding * Research skills * Complex analysis * Critical thinking * Ability to “pull it all together”
How long does it take for students to learn all of these skills? What is the best way to teach all of these skills?
List as many skills as you can that students must have to be successful on Performance Task Assessments. How are teachers at your school already giving students the learning experiences they need to learn those skills? What changes to the student learning experience do teachers need to design and implement?
* Go to * Pull Down: Smarter Balanced Assessments * Click: Sample Items and Performance Tasks * Scroll down to English Language Arts/Literacy (about halfway down) * Click: English Language Arts/Literacy * Pull Down: View More English Language Arts/Literacy Sample Items * Click: Nuclear Power (High School/Performance Task/Bottom Right)
I Can… Explain WHY Performance Tasks are valuable instructional and assessment structures for deep learning. List 7 key skills that students must be able to demonstrate on Smarter Balanced Performance Tasks. List 5 instructional techniques that teachers should use to train students for complex, integrated thinking.
Your Primary Contact Sara Overby Coordinating Teacher for Secondary Literacy (office) Crossroads 1, cube 2516 Another Great Resource Catherine Trudell Senior Administrator for High School English (office) Crossroads 1, cube 2513 Wiki of Resources > >Professional Resources > Literacy > >Training > Writing Performance Tasks riting%20Performance%20Tasks WCPSS Performance Task Writing Team Eng 1 Emmanuel Lipscomb, Wakefield HS Kelly Krepelka, Garner HS Eng 2 Ben Vessa, Knightdale HS John Davis, Athens Drive HS