By Nitin Oke For Safe Hands Akola Sources of Energy By Nitin Oke For Safe Hands Akola
Forms of energy Energy can be in many forms as Electrical Light Heat Sound Wind Solar Atomic (Nuclear) -----
Heat Energy Earliest form of energy which human were using. The substance which is responsible to produce heat energy is called as “Fuel” We get fuels as Fossil fuel, Firewood, brushwood, cow dung pats etc. Truly speaking ONLY source of energy of solar system is SUN which is giving 7 x 1017 Kilowatt per year, the animal and plants absorb this energy and store in the form of chemical energy with them.
Fossil fuel Fossil fuel is in all three forms of matter Solid: It is due to remains of “plants” which was buried into earth, due to tremendous pressure of layers of earth above and heat inside they were converted into solid fossil fuel. Chemically they are hydrocarbons. Liquid: Mineral oil is due to remains of marine plants and animals. It is found nearly 25000meter deep. Petrol, diesel, kerosene and fuel oil are obtained from it.
Fossil fuel Fossil fuel is in all three forms of matter Gas: Natural gas is due to remains of marine plants and animals. It is most convenient form of fuel as it does not leaves any solid substance when it burns. It can be easily transported by pipes. The burning of natural gas can be easily controlled. It consist of (CH4 ) Methane, (C2H6 ) ethane, (C3H8 ) propane, (C4H10 ) butane
Solar energy The sun is providing energy which we need in one year in just 40 minutes which is free of cost, neither metered nor monitored. The problem of solar energy is we can not use it efficiently. We use some devoices to use solar energy as Solar heater Solar cell
Devices used in solar energy Solar cooker ( Renewable energy) Solar cell (Renewable energy)
Other renewable Energy source Wind energy Hydro- electric energy Biogas energy biodiesel
Energy problems Not just for India but for world the fossil fuel is non renewable form of energy and it is limited. The amount of use and number of users both are increasing rapidly. We all will need to reduce consumption of energy by using new technology as solar energy, LED, CFL, biodiesel, CNG and so on
Just for information When 1 kg coal burns it produces 7,000 kilocalories called as coal equivalent 7,000 kcal 29.3 MJ 8.141 kWh 1kg fire wood 0.57 coal equivalent 1 kg of Petrol 1.59 coal equivalent 1 cubic meter natural gas 1.35 coal equivalent 1 kg of Uranium 235 2700000 coal equivalent