By David Austin
Color – silver gray Conductivity- poor electrical conductor State- solid Magnetism-paramagnetic Uranium is a metallic chemical element. Uranium has a very high density, it is slightly less dense then gold.
Protons- 92 Electrons- 92 Neutrons- 146 Atomic number- 92 Atomic weight Symbol- U
Group in periodic table: Group name: Actinoid Period in periodic table: 7 (actinoid) Block in periodic table: f-block Electron Configuration : [RN] 5f3 6d1 7s2
Uranium is used for high density penetrators It is also used in atomic bombs
Uranium is used in nuclear power plants 1 kilogram of uranium can produce 20 trillion joules of energy That is the same amount of energy as 1500 tons of coal
25% of the uranium in the world is mined in Canada It is also mined in Australia, Russia, Niger, Namibia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, South Africa, USA and Portugal
Oxidation states- 3+,4+,5+,6+ [1] Reactivity-increases temp. with nonmetals Melting point K ( °C, 2070 °F)
uranium video uranium video Uranium is radioactive material Depleated uranium was used in the gulf war and has made many veterans disabeled and has caused birth defects uranium video 2 uranium video 2 uranium