PRIMARY COLORS: red, blue, yellow
SECONDARY COLORS: The colors created from mixing an equal amount of 2 primary colors.
TRIAD COLORS: Pegging 3 colors on the color wheel that make an isosceles triangle
COMPOUND COLORS: Compound colors are mixed from all three primaries. They are all the Ocher's, earth colors Khaki's etc. In this example mixing between yellow and Violet produces a series of compound colors. They contain varying mixtures of all three primaries (Violet being a mixture of Red and Blue).
COMPLEMENTARY COLORS: Two colors opposite on the color wheel
MONOCHROMATIC COLORS: Focus on one color with varied intensity and lightness in a single hue.
ANALOGOUS COLORS: Match colors with adjacent (side by side) colors
SHADES OF COLOR: Creating subtle variations with a color’s hue
CUSTOM: You have been assigned to create a color scheme for four walls of a new art room. This color scheme needs to be 4 different colors. This should be a “favorite way” for you to put 4 colors together.