The Power of COLOR Eric Rita Emily Hana Chloris
Summary Time
Paragraph Red: The color of human blood. Symbolize intensity, fire, love, and anger. In eastern cultures, it also represents luck, wealth, and success. People redden when they’re angry or embarrassedRed is a color that signals dominance.(According to British anthropologists…) When exposed red, the heart rate usually accelerates. People also use this color in everything from politics to advertising. “See red” means that you are angry.
The color of sunshine. It’s a color that commands attention. It’s one of the easiest color to see. Usually found on everything from school buses to traffic signs and pens used to highlight important information in a text. Yellow is used to caution people; soccer player are shown yellow as a reminder to behave. Some studies show that yellow has been found to help children focus on their work and do better in school. Paragraph Yellow:
Paragraph Blue: The color of sky and sea. It’s associated with water, holy or religious object, and protection against evil. Dark blue means clam, stability, and power. It is the color of the business suit or police uniform; it tells others,“I am in control.”or“You can trust me.” In other cultures, blue also means sadness. In Iran, blue is the color of mourning, worn when a person dies. Blue has a neutral, calming effect on people. Rooms painted blue help to relax or sleep. This color seems to inhibit hunger. Blue food is barely seen in nature except for blueberries. Such food is no longer healthy to consume.
Color Preference We are so used to colors that we seldom think about them. However, if you pay attention to the colors a person likes, you may learn something about the person. In 1941, a man called Hans Eysenck published a study called Universal Order of Colors, which looked at the color preferences of people around the world. He found the top five colors, listed in order of preference, are: blue, red, green, purple, and yellow.
BLUE Blue is a color that is popular with calm and orderly people. Blue has the power to calm people down and to lower blood pressure. Also, people who choose blue cars seem to be relaxed driver. Such drivers are likely to stop and let others cross the street first. Moreover, people who love blue tend to be more conservative and cautious.
RED Red, on the other hand, is a bright color which is associated with fire and blood. Red suggests strong feelings. That is why it is often used to represent love. People feel hotter when exposed to the color red. A preference for red may enjoy being the center of attention. It is also said that people who drive red cars are more competitive and hate to be overtaken by other drivers. Studies also shown that people eat more quickly in places which are painted red, so red is often a favored color for restaurant owners.
GREEN The color green is opposite red on the color wheel. Green is a good color for meditation and thinking. It stands for nature, spring, and hope. As a matter of fact, green is said to be the most calming of all colors; therefore, it is used a lot in hospital. A person who is fond of green is often calm and well-balanced, but at the same time may also be stubborn and strong ideas. For example, people who drive green cars tend to go their own way, holding their speed and not letting the honking of other drivers change their course.
PURPLE The color of purple is associated with royalty and religion in Western cultures. It is a color often preferred by sensitive people who like the arts, including musicians and dancers. But these people are also dreamers and want everything to be perfect. Therefore, it is believed that people who prefer purple can also be very picky and hard to understand.
YELLOW While purple is a royal color in the Western world, yellow is the color of the emperor’s clothing in Chinese culture. A preference for yellow might suggest a happy, friendly person who is very lively. This kind of person welcomes new ideas. However, it is often said that people who drive yellow cars tend to drive fast. This may have something to do with yellow being a color that makes the mind active and busy. Many people choose yellow for their kitchens and bathrooms to add more vitality and cheerfulness.
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Color Expressions
Answer f. blue i. black h.white j.Gray d.yellow
Mind Game
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URL The color of red,yellow,green,blue,purple red: yellow: green: blue: purple: Holi Festival of Colors 2010 Utah 腦科學先生 MR.BRAIN 第 6 回
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