Unit 2 Examples Hi everyone! Excellent work on Unit 2. We (Fatma and myself) want to show you some highlights from Unit 2 for both the discussion and the visual projects.
Discussion Example Share a shape that teaches
This visual can use to teach color. It is useful for teaching color mixing, like how to make rich brown. It is useful for teaching color schemes, what color look good together. This is one of the best images of the color wheel out there. This image condenses a lot of image and does so very elegantly.
AVID ( Advancement Via Individual Determination) uses a house to help students realize the difference in the levels of questions/thinking required.
Here is a visual that can use when teaching students the elements of fiction.
Unit 2 Visual Projects I’m sharing just a few of the projects that caught our attention. Most of the projects turned in were really good, but we can’t talk about all of them.
This project shows how well the designer paid attention to usability testing. Notice how her first instinct, to hand draw the assignment, was good. She learned through her various stages of testing the image that her target audience identified more with the hand drawn image, so even though she spent a lot of time doing a computer image, she ended up going back to what worked. Third image First image Second image
We chose this image because it shows how you can directly apply principles of design to a teaching tool, in this case Softchalk.
This project shows how this designer worked beyond one revision, to really get the design right!
We liked this because the designer used his real life work experiences as a project.
We liked this because it shows human memory in a very memorable way. The designer that created this probably learned more about human memory than he would have if he had not done this project.
That is all for now! Thanks for doing a great job on Unit 2. If you have any questions or concerns let us know in the 1. Start Here space for Unit 3.
This project shows how well the designer paid attention to usability testing. Notice how her first instinct, to hand draw the assignment, was good. She learned through her various stages of testing the image that her target audience identified more with the hand drawn image, so even though she spent a lot of time doing a computer image, she ended up going back to what worked.