Cadastre and Real Estate Data Management in Italy Agostina Lodde Studies and researches Direzione Centrale Pubblicità Immobiliare e Affari Legali PSI at the Crossroads: Current Challenges and New Opportunities Milan 5th/6th May 2011
The Italian system and its context Ministry of Economy and Finance 600 M Budget ( M Budget (2009 ) National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration National Economic Programming and Financial Management employees, of whom +300 covering a managerial position +300 covering a managerial position employees, of whom +300 covering a managerial position +300 covering a managerial position Acting under the control of the Italian 82 million rural parcels 82 million rural parcels 63 million urban units 63 million urban units real estate quotations real estate quotations maps in vector format maps in vector format 82 million rural parcels 82 million rural parcels 63 million urban units 63 million urban units real estate quotations real estate quotations maps in vector format maps in vector format ADT is a non - profit Public Body who is autonomous from an organizational, administrative and financial point of view, acting under the control of the ministry 1
1 General Directorate Structured into 7 Central Directorates 15 Regional Directorates 103 Provincial Offices THIS ORGANISATION GUARANTEES A WIDESPREAD PRESENCE ON THE WHOLE NATIONAL TERRITORY THE AGENCYS ORGANIZATION 138 Land Registry Offices
The Italian System It shows the technical characteristics of objects and holders of real estate rights (not for legal purposes). It determines the value of the object useful for taxation purposes. REAL ESTATE INFORMATION SYSTEM managed by Agenzia del Territorio CADASTRE and CARTOGRAPHY PUBLIC REGISTERS of real estate rights and mortgages REAL ESTATE MARKET MONITORING SYSTEM By registering real estate deeds, it manages the information about the transfer of real estate rights and about mortgage registration. It collects and processes information from the real estate market and constantly shows the trend of real estate values. LAND (rural areas) BUILDINGS (urban areas) LAND (rural areas) BUILDINGS (urban areas)
The Self-updating System: Core Aspect for the System Effectiveness THE ITALIAN MODEL: involved players and related roles Owners Private Licensed Surveyors Cadastral updating, documentation drawing-up Notaries Deeds drawing up Updating documents, check and registration in the pertaining DBs
Unidoc procedure enables Notaries to fulfil several duties: the updating of real estate registries, the updating of cadastral data concerning ownership, the deed registration for fiscal purposes and the payment of taxes Agenzia del Territorio – Largo Leopardi, 5 – Roma – ITALY The real estate registries sw updating procedure
E-government Services to Meet Users Needs access point by web portal access point by web portal make access to information easier simplify the submission of the updating documents SERVICES FOR ON LINE SEARCH AND DOWNLOAD OF INFORMATION SERVICES FOR ON-LINE SUBMISSION OF THE UPDATING DOCUMENTS PREGEO MAIN OBJECTIVES
submission drawing up & digital signing drawing up & digital signing Professional (Notary) Professional (Notary) UNICO : SW Procedure for the updating of the real estate registries RNI National Interbanking Network BANK (for payment of all taxes and fees) BANK (for payment of all taxes and fees) REVENUE OFFICE (for deed taxation) REVENUE OFFICE (for deed taxation) CENTRAL SYSTEM Tax Register CENTRAL SYSTEM Tax Register REAL ESTATE REGISTRIES (for deed transcription) REAL ESTATE REGISTRIES (for deed transcription) CADASTRE (for the updating of owners data) CADASTRE (for the updating of owners data) State of proceeding and registered deed receipts Updating results On line submission of real estate deeds Agenzia del Territorio – Largo Leopardi, 5 – Roma – ITALY
On line searches in the registries The MD of 10/10/1992 introduced the on line searches in the real estate registries data base throughout the whole national territory and out of the offices opening hours. The images of about 40 million notations related to the period preceding the automation were acquired. Agenzia del Territorio – Largo Leopardi, 5 – Roma – ITALY
Professional COVENANT signature charges payment for starting service and yearly fee payment for each enabled password COVENANT signature charges payment for starting service and yearly fee payment for each enabled password DATA SEARCH BY: Owner personal data Cadastral identification code DATA SEARCH BY: Owner personal data Cadastral identification code / LIST OF DOCUMENTS related to the selected owner or property LIST OF DOCUMENTS related to the selected owner or property Selection and download of the searched document Selection and download of the searched document Advanced search web services for professionals Agenzia del Territorio – Largo Leopardi, 5 – Roma – ITALY
Re-using cadastral and mortgage information for commercial purposes Agenzia del Territorio – Largo Leopardi, 5 – Roma – ITALY The European reference legislation: 2003/98/CE Directive The implementation of the Directive: Lgs.Decree 24 January 2006, n.36 - Art.4 Law 4 June 2010, n.96 ( legge comunitaria 2009 )
Re-using cadastral and mortgage information for commercial purposes: the italian legislation Afterwards, Law 27 December 2006, n. 296 – The 2007 Budget Law – amended significantly the rules regarding the commercial re-using of cadastral and mortgage data and information. Law 30 December 2004 n.311- Art.1 Paragraphs
Trend of the web services Agenzia del Territorio – Largo Leopardi, 5 – Roma – ITALY
Trend of the web services Agenzia del Territorio – Largo Leopardi, 5 – Roma – ITALY
Evolution trends in the real estate registration The evolution trends go towards the dematerialization of the real estate registration system… Electronic title Electronic title Electronic Duplicate Real estate registries in electronic format Real estate registries in electronic format