M. Gilchriese Upgrade Stave Assembly and Robotics August 3, 2007 LBNL
M. Gilchriese 2 Background Stave concept, briefly, for silicon strips detectors –Meter-scale object that integrates Local mechanical support and (in some concepts) cooling Silicon detectors Hybrids with IC electronics Power and control distribution Optical interface (in some concepts) –Stave is then placed on global support A range of stave concepts exists –Fully integrated Mechanics and cooling in single object Power/control cable glued to local mechanical support Silicon(with hybrids/ICs) glued directly Optical interface at end –Partially integrated, many variants Mechanics and cooling may be partly integrated(rest of cooling in global support) Individual modules bolted to local support structure Optical interface may be distributed Note that stave concept in use in ATLAS – pixels were done this way
M. Gilchriese 3 Example Concepts
M. Gilchriese 4 Supports and Robotics Global support – not addressed today, no significant interfaces to type of robotic assembly we are discussing today (but note current barrel SCT used robotic assembly of individual modules on global support) Assembly of stave mechanical/cooling local supports –For barrel region there are roughly of these to make (depends on layout, if they are 1m or 2m long). Plus prototyping, preproduction…. –Significant sub-component assembly by industry –Final assembly could be industrial, fully in-house or mixture. Too soon to tell. –Use of robotics in this process, I believe, depends significantly on type of stave concept. Fully integrated less likely (fewer parts, simple) –We are working on fully integrated at LBL. Would I use robotics for assembly of local supports? Likely not. Surely not if also involved in silicon module robotic assembly – too much up-front investment needed. –Not familiar enough with other concepts to judge about use of robotics Bottom line, in my opinion – concentrate today on robotics for detector/hybrid assembly and placement on local supports. Come back to possible robotic assembly of local supports later.
M. Gilchriese 5 Integrated Stave – Robotic Interface Discuss prototype parts – on table, not in this presentation Assume mechanical/cooling staves are made separately and cable attached –Need to define interfaces (a) handling and (b) fiducial marks and metrology(I assume this must be solely optical, no touch). (b) requires serious work. Rough align “core” in fixture and robot finds fiducials to define coordinate system for silicon placement Glue dispense Pick and place pretested silicon module(and I guess optical interface board) Repeat (one side). Flip (by hand) Do other side Integrated metrology (survey)? Or separate instrument? Pick up and take to wire bonding (assumes have demonstrated that wire bonding does not move detectors) Test Repair Test/Final QC/QA Store Ship Items in Red in robotic cell