1 Current Challenges and Opportunities of PSI Re-use in a Legal Perspective Marc de Vries Re-user: Owner Caselex and Legal Analyst: PSI Network EVPSI meeting Barcelona 28 October 2010
2 Some of my Caselex experiences Poland: trade secret Luxemburg: sure, we have a copy machine and bring lots of 10 euro cent coins Italy: you can look, but you can not copy Denmark, sure, go to our distributor
3 My experiences = legal landscape in a nut shell POL: ACCESS IT: COPY LUX: ACCESSIBILITYDEN: FAIR CONDITIONS National: FOIA + sectoral legislation EU: Data protection Directives + Acces to Environmental Data National: national rules on IPs EU: Copyright Directive + Database Directive + International Conventions National: hardly any EU: Inspire Directive National: national competition rules EU: EU Treaty
4 Re-use: sequential process, every part in the chain is essential ` ACCESSACCESSIBILITYLIMITATIONSFAIR CONDITIONS Alliance of professionals (re-users and press) and believers (OKF) Create the business case + facilitate (Ministry of Finance) Assert rights Directive (re-users competition authority + OKF)
5 Muchas gracias! Marc de Vries