Collegiate Academy Perseverance, Possibility, Passion, Own the Future!
Master Schedule Collegiate Academy has three different schedules!Collegiate Academy has three different schedules! A day B dayC day A day B dayC day
Powerhour A class at the end of the day Monday – Wednesday to meet individual academic needs!A class at the end of the day Monday – Wednesday to meet individual academic needs!
MAPS Methodology of Academic and Personal SuccessMethodology of Academic and Personal Success OrganizationOrganization Note-takingNote-taking Personal accountabilityPersonal accountability College and Career researchCollege and Career research
Foreign Language Lab Students have approximately two hours of language lab to complete a week for their foreign language class.Students have approximately two hours of language lab to complete a week for their foreign language class.
Study Hall Tuesday and Thursday afternoon students will have a study hall class with an academic tutor available for individual help.Tuesday and Thursday afternoon students will have a study hall class with an academic tutor available for individual help.
Clubs SoccerPhoenix Phit ClubSoccerPhoenix Phit Club Destination ImaginationDestination Imagination RoboticsGenius HourRoboticsGenius Hour Art Creative WritingArt Creative Writing
Together we will Make a Difference