Hinduism: Nuts ‘n’ Bolts From roughly 1500 BCE –With earlier roots in the Vedas(ancient texts) –World’s oldest organized religion –Many beliefs and forms of Hinduism exist- no one way to practice –No single founder Third largest religion –1 billion adherents (13% of the world) –Most in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka (Tamils) 1 million in United States
atman -the individual soul Brahman the supreme god or spirit, the world soul continually creates, maintains, destroys, re-creates the universe The atman is always one with Brahman but the individual ego creates Maya- the illusion of separation Hindu Trinity Brahma- Creator Vishnu- Preserver, 10 incarnations Shiva– Destroyer Monotheism or Polytheism? Henotheism- The one god can take many forms (called avatars or incarnations) million gods and goddesses? Infinite?
The Hindu Pantheon Durga Shiva Ganesha Lakshmi Lord Krishna Vishnu Kali
Varna: (1) Brahmin- priests (caste) (2) Kshatriyas- nobles, warriors (3) Vaishyas- merchants, land owners, cattle herders, artisans (4) Sudras- landless farmers, labourers (5) Dalit- untouchables- 16% of pop.-do “impure jobs” Caste is unchangeable in this lifetime. Caste is determined by level of rebirth, which is determined by dharma and karma
Dharma—duty in life; staying within one’s role/caste Karma--a sort of cosmic balance sheet. The total balance of your good and bad actions
Samsara—the continuous cycle of death and rebirth; Westerners gave it the name reincarnation Moksha—release from the cycle of Samsara; the re-merging with Brahman after many lives of following the laws of dharma and karma
Geography of the Subcontinent Monsoons- Regular winds create regular cycles of rain –Influence on religion? River System –Indus, Ganges, Bramhaputra –Ganges or Ganga is a goddess and most sacred river. People bathe in river to cleanse sins and ashes of dead are placed in river.
Yoga Yoga is the spiritual, mental, and physical practice of Hinduism originating in ancient India. The goal of Yoga is moksha- oneness with God. Guru- the master, teacher, enlightened one- may be alive or dead Yogi- practitioner of yoga
Hinduism’s Holy Texts No one, definitive holy book The Vedas –Oral form from at least 2500 BCE); written between 600 and 300 BCE –Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, and Artharva Veda Upanishads –From BCE to 1600’s –Discusses meditation, philosophy, nature of god, etc. Ramayana –Epic poem from c. 500 BCE Mahabharata –Epic poem from c. 500 BCE –Includes the Bagavad Gita Battle of Kurukshetra from the Mahabharata
Diwali “Festival of Light” and the major Hindu holiday Celebrates: –Homecoming of King Rama after exile… OR –The victory of good over evil in every soul…OR –The new harvest…OR… Also celebrated by Jains & Sikhs Date determined by lunar calendar –October/November
Talaka or Bindi Marks on foreheads to identify self as a Hindu and which sect one belongs to –Vishnites (focus devotion on Lord Vishnu) and Shivites (focus on Lord Shiva) are the two major sects.
Additional Important Tidbits Because of the belief that all beings have souls, practicing Hindus are vegetarian; Jains are more extreme by being vegan Cattle are sacred, cannot be killed or eaten, early domestication of them in South Asia Hinduism is an ethnic religion Ethnic vs. universalizing