open PSI initiatives: Focus on Europe by Daniel Dietrich,
the sources of PSI where does it come from? Courts Parliaments Ministries EU level Public Sector Federal level Local level Regional level Government Agencies
public sector information what data are we talking about? Statistics Traffic data Wether data Geo data Environment data Publications Budget data Finance data Regulations Protocols Laws
what is the problem? if there is so much useful data - why is it not been used widely? Statistics Traffic data Weather data Geo data Environment data Publications Budget data Finance data Regulations Protocols Laws
challenges for PSI re-use what are the factors that support or limit PSI re-use?
a fragmented picture PSI re-use in Europe...
open PSI in Europe a look at the status quo of...
although the picture is fragmented, lets identify some key factors the factors that enable the public to re-use PSI: - discoverable - legally open - technically open - free of charge; with the only acceptable exception of marginal cost charges
challenges on the way to open psi discoverability as a problem - who has the information that I am looking for? - where to search? - whom to ask?
challenges on the way to open psi discoverability as a problem - IARs information asset registers (simple lists) - data catalogues - promotion of re-use - competitions solution!
challenges on the way to open psi legal openness - implementation of the PSI directive -inefficient freedom of information legislations - restrictive licenses and terms of use - missing or unclear licenses or terms of use
challenges on the way to open psi legal openness - efficient and comprehensive freedom of information legislations - easy and coherent licensing and terms of use solution!
challenges on the way to open psi technical openness PSI available but NO: - raw data and no structured data, no APIs and no open standards and no open formats - worst: Paper, PDF,...
challenges on the way to open psi technical openness - raw data - structured data - open formats & open standards - linked data solution!
challenges on the way to open psi pricing as a problem - this is a tricky one! - the benefits of psi re- use will realize at a different time and a different place than the costs.
challenges on the way to open psi pricing as a problem - economic analysis - why gratis is a good price - possible exception: pricing on a model of marginal costs solution!
the 3 laws of open government data - if it cant be spidered or indexed, it doesnt exist - if it isnt available in open and machine readable format, it cant engage - if a legal framework doesnt allow it to be repurposed, it doesnt empower
Open PSI as part of Open Government a government of the people, by the people and for the people -
a common based information society Open Data is a source for..
transparency accountability and trust confidence Open Data changes democracy..
dialog, participation and collaboration Open Data enables..
innovation and development Open Data unleashes..
a forsa study from August 2010 ask the people! a recent study unveiled that 88 % of the german citizens opt for a more transparent government
psi re-use bottom up a look at the status quo of...
analysis, apps, visualizations some examples
Analysis Application Visualization
Analysis Application Visualization
Analysis Application Visualization
flowering landscapes so if psi would be open, how would the future look like?
PSI needs to be legally & technically open Open Data is nothing by itself, it needs to be used to become valuable there are tree key rules we recommend following in opening up data: keep it simple engage early and often address common fears and misunderstandings conclusions
for governments - all PSI should be published in way that ensures that it is legally and technically open for re-use and free of charge.
for citizens - get active & engage - organize bar camps, hack days & competitions - build apps & tools that add value to psi
* add your ideas here ;) this is just the beginning - much more projects - lets be creative * - lets create a world of commons, of open knowledge & open data
OK lets go! its up to our community to respond, with our ideas, with our voices, with our creativity and our code. - Tim OReilly
Thank you! Daniel Dietrich Open Knowledge Foundation