1 Bookstore Manager Basics
2 Purchase Orders and Receiving There are many different ways to make an order. We recommend using IVWO to create a work order. A work order is not an actual PO. It is a working PO meaning that it can be modified by either adding, deleting, or changing items on the work order. If you don’t have enough time to complete the work order, you can Save the work order and bring it back up at any time.
3 Purchase Orders and Receiving The most common type of work order is a “Below Minimum” work order. This would pull anything that has dropped below minimum in IVM. D
4 Purchase Orders and Receiving “IVM TBO List” Parameter will pull any items that have a TBO/TBR qty in IVM greater than zero. Model “N” will pull items “Not yet ranked” “Core only” will only look at items that have “Core” checked in IVM. “Status” is a user defined field in IVM. Example F might stand for Favorite “JIT Code” is a user defined field in IVM. Example “J” might stand for June Sale IVWO Misc. Report Options
5 Purchase Orders and Receiving Buyer Code “Buyer Code” is used to limit the work order to a certain type of product or buyer. –Example: If you assign all the “Music Vendors” a buyer code of “M”, when you run a Multiple Vendor work order choosing a buyer code of “M” only vendors assigned a buyer code of “M” or any vendors without a buyer code would come up on the work order. –You setup the Buyer Codes in IVVM. See next slide…
6 Purchase Orders and Receiving In the previous example, you would bring up each of your Music vendors in IVVM and type the name of the buyer in the first field and an “M” in the second field.
7 Purchase Orders and Receiving Misc. Work Order Options
8 Purchase Orders and Receiving If you click, you will be able to move the selected item to a different work order. You have two options: –“Append Existing Work Order” Will move the selected item to a work order already on the system –“Create New Work Order” Will create a new work order overwriting the existing work order on the system. If you click, it will remove the item from the work order and will move the qty to the TBO field in IVM
9 Purchase Orders and Receiving If you click, then click “Totals” you will be able to see a summary of the order by Units on the order, Retail $ amount, and Wholesale $ amount.
10 Purchase Orders and Receiving If you click, then click “Vendor Requirements” you will be able to see the vendor requirements that you set for the vendor. You setup the Vendor Requirements in IVVM. See next slide…
11 Purchase Orders and Receiving In IVVM, bring up the vendor that has minimum requirements for an order and type them in the “Misc/Require” field.
12 Purchase Orders and Receiving If you click, then click “Convert to P.O.” you will be able to convert your work order directly into a PO. In previous BSM versions, you would have to save the work order, then manually go to IVO to create the work order. By using this option, it takes you directly to IVO to create the order.
13 Purchase Orders and Receiving IVO – Creating a PO
14 Purchase Orders and Receiving “Order from a saved Work Order” will create a PO from your saved work order. A window will be displayed with the date of the work order so you can verify it is using the correct work order.
15 Purchase Orders and Receiving “Pull all Spl Orders” will create a PO with all of your special orders regardless of vendor 1, 2, or 3.
16 Purchase Orders and Receiving “Pull TBO’s” will create a PO for any items that have a TBO/TBR qty in IVM greater than zero. “TBO Option” Ven #1, Ven #1-3, All –“Ven #1” will pull any items that have vendor 003 as vendor 1 in IVM –“Ven #1-3” will pull any items that have vendor 003 for vendor 1, vendor 2, or vendor 3. –“All” will pull any TBO items regardless of vendor.
17 Purchase Orders and Receiving IVO – PO Screen
18 Purchase Orders and Receiving “ ” This will allow you to change the discount rate on every item on the PO at one time. “ ” This allows you to add an item by scanning a barcode on a product. “Totals” and “Requirements” work the same as IVWO. IVO Misc. Options
19 Purchase Orders and Receiving “ ” This will add special orders to the PO. There is now a warning that will come up if a SO record is locked. This now allows you to Skip the locked record so that you can proceed with the order without finding out who has the record locked. If you find who has the record locked, have them exit and click Try Again. If you choose to Skip, you will get a window with the information of the SO that you skipped. IVO Misc. Options
20 Purchase Orders and Receiving View TBO’s allows you to pick and choose which TBO items you want to include on the PO. You can select, delete, change qty’s, etc in IVTBO. See next slide … IVO Misc. Options
21 Purchase Orders and Receiving View TBO’s
22 Purchase Orders and Receiving If you click, then click Print, you can print X copies of Special Orders. You also have the option to “Print Spl Order Report 8 ½ by 11” which is a summary of the special orders on the PO in a line item printout. To Print and Prepare Electronic Order, click. You would now send your order electronically via FTP Ordering (recommended) and receive your electronic acknowledgement. In SYS Config File Change Misc. Configurations, line 2007 and 2008, you can change the default # for “Copies of Special Orders” and whether or not to “Print Spl Order Report 8 ½ X 11”.
23 Purchase Orders and Receiving IVIC – Process Elec. Acks. / Invoices In IVIC, enter your vendor # for the PO you sent. Click View or Print your Acknowledgement. You will get a screen asking if you would like to “Adjust this PO for all Cancelled, Backordered, NYP & OP items?”. Click Yes If you select Yes, type a PO# to cascade the items to. This will allow you to try and send the PO to another vendor to pick up the items that aren’t coming in from your first vendor. You also have the option “No/TBO”. This will put everything that would be cascaded into the TBO/TBR field in IVM. Click OK
24 Purchase Orders and Receiving IVPR – Receiving the PO Recommended Receiving Method Start out by going into Back Order – Cancel – Change Item. Type PO # and Invoice # Change any items that changed since you placed the order. Examples of items to change –Items with different prices –Items with different discounts –Items with different qty’s –Etc… Now everything on the PO should match the invoice. Do a Complete Merge of the PO.
25 Purchase Orders and Receiving IVPR now has an option to locate a P.O. number by an item on the P.O. Click on the Binoculars icon. This will call the IVN program which will allow you to search active P.O.’s by item number or title.
26 Purchase Orders and Receiving IVPR – Back Order – Cancel – Change Item
27 Purchase Orders and Receiving Click and change any information that changed from the original PO.
28 Purchase Orders and Receiving Use,, or to back order, cancel, or add any items that changed since the original order.
29 Purchase Orders and Receiving Once the PO matches the invoice, click to do a Complete Merge of the PO.
30 Custom Reports and Returns
31 Custom Reports and Returns To create a custom report, use the program “RPT”.
32 Custom Reports and Returns RPT is designed to allow you to print any data fields contained in the IVM file!
33 Custom Reports and Returns RPT begins by choosing a “Report” name.” Example “SAMPLE1”
34 Custom Reports and Returns Simply highlight and click on the label in the list box that you want to print! Ex: Author
35 Custom Reports and Returns Continue highlighting and clicking until you have all the desired fields on your report.
36 Custom Reports and Returns The Size column can be shortened to fit more characters. Example: You can shorten the Title field to 20 characters. The Sort # allows you to do a Primary and Secondary Sort The Max Length’s are listed for each format you can print. Pay close attention to the Current Length of the report as this will determine how the report prints (Tall vs. Wide)
37 Custom Reports and Returns Custom reports can be used in IVWO and IVP Show how to do InStock Report
38 Custom Reports and Returns Enhancements to RPT –You can now print on Legal size paper enabling you to fit up to 228 characters (Printer has to support Legal size printing). –New labels in RPT (discussed in following slides) IVP-EX-CST IVST-RTL IVST-UNITS –Custom Sorted IVP report enables you to use the “Sort Parameters” tab. –The manual has a full list of the different labels you can use. (F1 online manual also).
39 Custom Reports and Returns Custom report label “IVP-EX-CST”. tells a custom “IVP” report to extend the cost for an item. For example, if you had 3 items with a cost of $1.00 each, the report would print $3.00. “IVP-EX-CST” Label
40 Custom Reports and Returns “IVST-UNITS” and “IVST-RTL” Labels If you do a Custom Sorted IVP and you have the labels “IVST-UNITS” or “IVST-RTL”, you can sort the report based up unit sales or dollar sales.
41 Custom Reports and Returns “IVST-UNITS” Label and SLIV Just as you can sort your sales by particular months or weeks, you can sort by a date range. To do so you will need to print the IVP report using the “Custom Sorted or Excel” option and include the label “IVST-UNITS”. This is also a good way to get a print out of what SKU’s have sold on a particular day. (Note, many users have traditionally used the ‘SLIV’ report for this). Since the IVP report condenses by grouping together each item’s sales, the report is much smaller. ‘SLIV’ is still a daily close out procedure but users might find it easier to print the ‘SLIV’ report to screen and generate an ‘IVP’ report for daily sales.
42 Custom Reports and Returns IVR - Returns
43 Custom Reports and Returns Recent enhancements to IVR –IVM - The “TBO” field has been changed from “TBO” to “TBO/TBR”. When this field is set to a negative number, BSMGR interprets that to mean the item is “to be returned” rather than “to be ordered”. –Three (3) new projected return types Never sold, in-stock > 90 days Last Received date older than xxx “To Be Returned” –Option to Print to the screen or Microsoft Excel –Don’t discontinue core. When checked, any projected returns will not lower the In-stock amount to a zero amount. –IVI lookup when adding items to the return. –You can now limit a projected return to a category range. –IVR asks if you want to delete the return upon merging instead of automatically deleting.
44 Custom Reports and Returns Detailed Return History in IVM Pressing “F3” in the Total Return field brings up the detailed return history for the item.
45 Custom Reports and Returns Detailed information about each return is now stored in a return header
46 Custom Reports and Returns Summary Report option displays suggested returns for each vendor. It is similar to a multi- vendor work order. It takes the projected return parameters and applies them to all vendors and then displays the report. Note, however, no returns are actually created. This is only a summary of what would be created if the projected return was run individually for each vendor. See Summary Screenshot on next slide.
47 Custom Reports and Returns
48 Custom Reports and Returns IVR – Edit a Return IVR’s editing of a return now works much like IVWO. There is a list box showing the entire return.
49 Custom Reports and Returns IVTBR This program is used for viewing what items currently have a TBO/TBR quantity in IVM less than zero. Again, you can do a Projected Return for items marked “To Be Returned” in IVR.
50 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings
51 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings If you have the Gift Database / Gold Database purchased, information in the CB&M database will automatically add to IVM when you key in or scan the item #.
52 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings Additional information can be added to the “Misc.” field in IVM. In IVI, the Title/Desc box of the list box now includes the Misc. information screen from IVM.
53 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings The check box “Core” allows you to flag items that you always want to stock. A suggested return will never discontinue or suggest taking the on hand level below 1. IVHR will never set items grouped as core to a 0/0 min max. This field may be used to limit the following reports: IVP, IVWO, IVO, IVGL.
54 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings The “TBO/TBR” field determines if an item is marked “to be ordered” rather than “to be returned”. IVWO and IVO will pull items that have a “TBO/TBR” greater than zero. You can do a projected return in IVR for items marked “to be returned” which will look for items that have a “TBO/TBR” less than zero.
55 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings You can click the “?” next to the binding field to see a list of the binding codes. This will show you a list of all of the current binding codes used in the CB&M database.
56 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings You can click the “?” next to the CPC Code field to have BSM translate the CPC Code.
57 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings You can click the “?” next to Total Return to see the Return History for the item.
58 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings You can have up to 5 simultaneous sales. You also have 4 Special Pricing fields. This allows you to designate special discounts for your mailing list customers. Based on Sys Config 4053, you can charge certain customer’s Our Price 2, Our Price 3, Cost, Spl Pricing 1, 2, 3, or 4.
59 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings On the Daily History tab, you can click to print a date range for an individual item.
60 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings You can run the program IVD to delete Inventory History. You can delete Monthly, Weekly, Daily, and Invoice History by date.
61 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings You can enable the “Messages” tab in IVM by adding the ENV line “USE-MESSAGE-IVM-DATA Y”. This is used for Church stores that inventory Pastor’s sermons.
62 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings With the Messages Tab enabled, you can go into IVI and click the “Messages” tab and search based on Date of the message, Subject, or Book.
63 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings In the 1 st section, you tell BSM what parameters to use for changing your inventory. In the 2 nd section, you tell BSM what field to change in IVM. In the 3 rd section, you tell BSM what to change the setting to IVGL Program Global Inventory Changes This is very powerful program that makes global changes to your inventory. There are 3 sections.
64 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings PUBS – Customize Database Vendors
65 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings Use the PUBS program to link the CB&M database abbreviations to your store’s vendor #’s. When an item is pulled from the database to your inventory or a special order, the vendor # where you can order the item will be transferred to the Vendor 1 field. Example: Westminster items are abbreviated “WES” in CB&M. If your preferred supplier for Westminster products is Spring Arbor, enter “WES” in the “Publisher Abv.” field and the vendor number you assigned to Spring Arbor in the “Vendor #1” field. Then select Options=F5 to Save. Anytime you try to add something that has “WES” for publisher in the CB&M database, the vendor #1 will be set to 001 in IVM automatically.
66 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings You will need to set up the message number “D” as a default message for any publisher that has not been assigned a specific message. –Example: “We do not order from this publisher.” or “Ask the manager before accepting a special order,” etc Go into PUBS and click “Add/Chg. Pub Messages”. For Msg #, type D Type a custom message for these products.
67 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings Default Vendor Assignments You can change your default vendor assignments for items that aren’t tied through PUBS. Go into SYS Config File Change Misc. Configurations – Field # Set your default Ven #1, 2, and 3. Any new items added to inventory will use these vendors unless setup in PUBS.
68 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings IVM Groupings
69 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings Backlist Grouping –BSM will suggest ordering the product when necessary. Kit Grouping –Used for Kits where you have a set of items grouped together (IVKM). –BSM will not recommend ordering the product. Textbook Grouping –Used by school bookstores. Unavailable Grouping –BSM will not recommend ordering the product. Discontinued Grouping –IVHR will mark items Discontinued and then BSM will not recommend ordering the product. Closeout Grouping –The product is a close out product. BSM will not recommend reordering nor will it re-assign the vendor 1 setting when running “IVUL” #16.
70 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings Spl Order Grouping –Sys Config 2014 – Parameters for adding all Spl Orders to IVM. (Screenshot below) –Any time a special order is placed for an item that isn’t in your inventory, the item will be automatically added to your inventory with the settings you specify. –The advantage to adding SO’s to inventory is that BSM will have sales history for the item if you ever decide to add it to your inventory. –BSM will not recommend ordering the product.
71 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings Multiple Grouping –Used to keep count of multiple items sold that are not put on the computer as individual items. (Example: Pencils or counter cards) –Will not keep Daily Inventory History –IVUPC program uses the multiple binding. See next slide…
72 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings IVUPC is designed for use in conjunction with point of sale and the special grouping type “Multiple” in IVM. The grouping type “Multiple” signifies that multiple products share this item number. For Example: All 25 cent pencils might be rung up under the item number P25. Example #2 might be Pass Alongs. Stores can “tie together” the various UPC’s for pencils, allowing the front liner to scan the UPC on the product, while relying on BSMGR to translate the various UPC’s to inventory item number P25. You will only have to setup one item “P25” with a price of $0.25 and set the Grouping to “Multiple”. If you wish to use this feature, you will need to go into SYS Config File Change Misc. Configurations. Change field # 4043 to a “U” or “X” –U = Read cards and UPC’s –X = Read only UPC’s
73 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings Invalid Grouping –Some vendors will sometimes print the same UPC number on various books in a series. –This can cause havoc to an inventory system trying to track the products individually. –Using the “Invalid” grouping type offers users a way to prevent front liners from ever ringing up the book by the bad UPC #. –To do so, create an item in inventory with the bad UPC number and choose “Invalid” as a grouping type. –When a front-liner at point of sale attempts to ring up the UPC, BSMGR will inform them that the UPC is invalid and instruct them to use a different item number located on the product. –Note that BSMGR will never suggest ordering this product
74 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings Req. Prefix Grouping –Used when two products have the exact same barcode printed on then them (Ex. Closeouts). –This setting will cause BSMGR’s point of sale to prompt for a 1 character prefix to distinguish the two products. –You will have two items in inventory, but the first character of the closeout item will be different. –Example: would be the regular priced Purpose Driven Life book, and the 2 nd item # would be C for the closeout book.
75 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings Consignment Grouping –The product is on consignment from the vendor. –The value of the product will not be added into the inventory totals of IVT. –These items are for products the store has taken into inventory on consignment. –They will, however, add into IVP totals.
76 IVM, PUBS, and Groupings No On Hands Grouping –For items such as tape downloads, BSM will not recommend ordering the product and IVHR will not adjust min/maxes. –Because of the new date range option in IVP, SLIV’s print out no longer prints items grouped in IVM with a “No On Hands” grouping
77 Miscellaneous Utilities
78 Miscellaneous Utilities AMM – Alternate Menu’s
79 Miscellaneous Utilities Steps to Using the Alternate Menu In ENV, add the line “USE-ALT-MENU Y”’ Exit Bookstore Manager and go back in At Enter Program name, type AMM Configure the Menu See next slide…
80 Miscellaneous Utilities There are 3 main column titles that you can customize. You will need to check the box “Show” next to each entry you want to show Under the “Program” column, type the name of the program Under the “Description” column, type the description of the program. Click
81 Miscellaneous Utilities You may wish to configure multiple menus. Example: You want a POS menu and a Receiving menu. You can customize multiple menu’s. You can use any number between 0-9, or A-Z (Y and N cannot be used). While in AMM, click and type a # or character to customize a different menu. Example: “R” might mean Receiving. Click OK
82 Miscellaneous Utilities Customize the “R” menu, then click Or, you can customize more menus…
83 Miscellaneous Utilities To tell each station what menu to use, on each station, you will need to go into SYS Environment User’s Station Environment. Press OK at the User # prompt. Go to the Misc. tab and in “USE-ALT-MENU”, type the menu # or character, then click.
84 IVPROMO – MUNCE FILES IVPROMO is a program that you can run to setup promotions that are sent to BSMGR from Munce. There are two types of promotions. There is an “aggressive” pricing promotion and a “regular” pricing promotion.
85 IVPROMO – MUNCE FILES To do this, type “IVPROMO” at Enter Program Name. After you click, you will be prompted for a filename. Type the appropriate filename for the promotion. You get the filename from Munce.
86 IVPROMO – MUNCE FILES Example: For your February promotion the filename would be “M- FEB-R.TXT” for the regular pricing structure. The aggressive pricing filename would be “M-FEB-A.TXT”. If you get a message, “Sorry, No such File”, give Tech Support a call at , extension 2.
87 Miscellaneous Utilities POS Item Menu
88 Miscellaneous Utilities This allows you to ring up common items by simply clicking the item from the menu that comes up.
89 Miscellaneous Utilities In ENV, add the line “ITEM-MENU-VISIBLE 1” Exit Bookstore Manager and go back in At Enter Program name, type IVNM. Add the items you would like on your Item Menu. See next slide on how to set the items up in IVNM…
90 Miscellaneous Utilities For Description, type: Z-Item Name (This can be up to 12 characters long. Now go to the Price & Department field and type the price then a “/” and the department # or Item # in IVM. –Example: 299/5 would be $2.99 and would ring up to Dept #5. When finished adding your items, Exit IVNM and go into POS. You would now see your items when you click “Item Menu” Click the name of the item to ring the item up.
91 Miscellaneous Utilities Toolbar Program Setup You can have 3 programs on the icon bar to launch any 3 programs you would like. To configure them, go into SYS Config File Change Misc. Configurations Field # Once configured, you can click on the 1, 2, or 3 icons to launch the programs.
92 Miscellaneous Utilities Negative Date Inputs In most programs where you see a date field, you can type –xx (xx = # of days) and BSM will automatically do the date calculation and enter the date –Example: If you were in IVP and wanted to get a list of what sold in the last 15 days, you could type in “-15” in the “Sold Since” field and BSM would figure the date automatically.
93 Miscellaneous Utilities IVUPC is designed for use in conjunction with point of sale and the special grouping type “Multiple” in IVM. The grouping type “Multiple” signifies that multiple products share this item number. For Example: All 25 cent pencils might be rung up under the item number P25. Stores can “tie together” the various UPC’s for pencils, allowing the front liner to scan the UPC on the product, while relying on BSMGR to translate the various UPC’s to inventory item number P25. You will only have to setup one item “P25” with a price of.25 and set the Grouping to “Multiple”. If you wish to use this feature, you will need to go into SYS Config File Change Misc. Configurations. Change field # 4043 to a “U” or “X” –U = Read cards and UPC’s –X = Read only UPC’s IVUPC program
94 Miscellaneous Utilities In the 1 st section, you tell BSM what parameters to use for changing your inventory. In the 2 nd section, you tell BSM what field to change in IVM. In the 3 rd section, you tell BSM what to change the setting to IVGL Program Global Inventory Changes This is very powerful program that makes global changes to your inventory. There are 3 sections.
95 Miscellaneous Utilities IVUL #23 – Change Ven 1,2,3 from xxx to xxx You can use this utility to change items in your inventory from one vendor to another. You change vendor 1, 2, or 3. One example would be changing Riverside to STL Distibution because you can’t order from Riverside.
96 Miscellaneous Utilities IVUL #35 - Nelson Merchandising Code Change When you run the program, it will put the Nelson Merch. Code in the “Misc” field in IVM. BSM will generate a batch of labels for every bible that was changed. Print the labels using the IVL program. In IVI, you will now see the Nelson Merch. Code after the title of the bible.. Example: BABY NEW TESTAMENT NLT:BAB
97 Miscellaneous Utilities IVP –Excel Import/Export
98 Miscellaneous Utilities This feature allows you to export pre-defined data fields into Microsoft Excel. Then you can change the different data fields using Microsoft Excel. Fields that can be changed are: –Catalog, Title, Author, Misc., Ven 1,2 &3, Publisher, CPC code, Binding, Category 1, 2, Location, Min, Max, Retail, Qty Pricing 1 & 2, Discount, Status, JIT Code, Special, Core, Analyze, Mo’s to stock, Special pricing 1,2,3,4. Do not change the format of the columns or data corruption will occur!!!
99 Miscellaneous Utilities Once all changes are made, the changes will need to be saved in a tab delimited file in the BOOK folder called “IVPXPRT.TXT” See next slide…
100 Miscellaneous Utilities In Excel, click File, then Save As… In the “Save as type:”, click the down arrow and select “Text (Tab delimited)(*.txt) The filename should now be IVPXPRT.TXT Click Save
101 Miscellaneous Utilities Importing IVP Excel changes with IVUL #32 Before you import the changes, backup your IVM01 file!!! Run IVUL #32 to import changes Verify the changes are correct. You will see the screen above when you run IVUL 32…
102 Miscellaneous Utilities MLP to Excel – MLUL Import
103 Miscellaneous Utilities After you run the MLP to Excel, you can change the different data fields using Microsoft Excel. Fields that can be changed are: –Name, Add1, Add2, City, State, Zip, Phone Number, Customer Type, Related A/R# and . –To delete a name, you can blank the name field. Do not change the format of the columns or data corruption will occur!!!
104 Miscellaneous Utilities In the screenshot above, you can see that a name was deleted. After the import is done, the name will be removed from the mailing list. Once all changes are made, the changes will need to be saved in a tab delimited file in the BOOK folder called “NAMES.TXT” See next slide…
105 Miscellaneous Utilities In Excel, click File, then Save As… In the “Save as type:”, click the down arrow and select “Text (Tab delimited)(*.txt) The filename should now be NAMES.TXT Click Save
106 Miscellaneous Utilities Importing Mailing List Changes with MLUL – Import changes from Excel Before you import the changes, backup your NAMES01 file!!! Run MLUL - Import changes from Excel Verify the changes are correct.
107 Miscellaneous Utilities Sys Config 4006 – SLTP to filename #4006 “Monthly” setting causes the “SLTP” program to automatically change its output file each month. Using the setting “Monthly” will cause the SLTP data for January of 2007 to be written to a file called “SL0701.TXT”. February’s file would be “SL0702.TXT”. If you wish to use this feature, you will need to go into SYS Config File Change Misc. Configurations. Change field # 4006 to “Monthly”.
108 Miscellaneous Utilities SLCM – Non UCC Coupon Setup You can create your own coupons by checking the box “Non UCC”. You can create $ off or % off coupons. If it is going to be a % off discount, make sure to check “Percent off coupon”. The coupon # must start with a 5 and be 12 digits long. At POS, you key in the coupon # and it will take the discount off of the sale
109 Miscellaneous Utilities SLCP – Coupon Report In SLCP, you can click the “?” to lookup a certain coupon. Once you select a coupon and click Print, you will get a report on the coupon showing –the Coupon #, the date the coupon was created, and how many of that coupon have been taken.
110 Miscellaneous Utilities EMP – Employee Restrictions
111 Miscellaneous Utilities EMP – Employee Restrictions If you wish to use this feature, you will need to go into SYS Config File Change Misc. Configurations. Change field # 4027 to “P”. Example: You may not want certain employees to be able to do voids so you would uncheck “Allow Voids”. In POS under “Misc. Opt”, there is a “Management Override” option that ask for a Manager login. Once the manager login is set, the employee will be able to do the void of the sale.
112 Miscellaneous Utilities Go into SCHEDULE, then click the “Inventory” tab. Click the check box next to “Retrieve nightly CB&M Updates” to check the box and then click To utilize this feature, you will have to have SCHEDULE scheduled in the Windows Task Scheduler. SCHEDULE - Nightly CB&M Updates
113 Miscellaneous Utilities You will need to configure each tab. Each tab represents a directory. These include the CBMDATA, CBMIMAGE, CBMWAVES, CBMACCOM, and CBMAUDIO directories. In the box on the left, you will need to type a name for your server and each Quest machine. In the box on the right, you will need to type the location of the appropriate directory (in the example above, you would type your location of your CBMDATA directory for each machine). There is a browse button that you can click to find the directory if you don’t want to manually type the location. Go to every tab and configure each of the directories. When you are finished, click Configure RACCOON for Directory Paths
114 Miscellaneous Utilities In SCHEDULE, there is an option to “Check for Critical Updates”. If BSM finds a serious issue with the software that needs to be fixed, we will create a Critical Update. Each night when SCHEDULE runs, it will check our server for updates. If one is found, it will download and install the fix before stores run into the issue. Critical Update
115 Miscellaneous Utilities Microsoft Excel Exports There are many programs that can be sent to Microsoft Excel instead of to the Printer. –SLE, SLP, IVP, MLP, XPRT, and others. This enables stores to look at their data on screen and manipulate it by using features in Microsoft Excel.
116 Miscellaneous Utilities QuickBooks Export This is an optional feature. It is designed for stores who have purchased QuickBooks software and desire the sales journal detail to be exported directly into QuickBooks. More detailed instructions for the QuickBooks interface is available by clicking on the “Tutor” toolbar icon, choosing BSMGR tech documents and then viewing/printing “QuickBooks link from RMS”. Using this feature requires the user to “set up a link” between BSMGR and QuickBooks by going through the various point of sale and sales journal accounts and linking them to their various QuickBooks equivalents. It requires QuickBooks Pro or greater.
117 Miscellaneous Utilities
118 Miscellaneous Utilities
119 Miscellaneous Utilities
120 Miscellaneous Utilities Microsoft Access Export
121 Miscellaneous Utilities Microsoft Access Export In SCHEDULE, you will need to click the “Utilities” tab, then check the “Generate Access DB Nightly”. Everything you have checked off on the ACCESS program screen will get exported to a file called BSMGR.MDB in the BOOK folder. If you know how to use Access, you should be able to create reports based on the main BSM data files. It requires Microsoft Access 2002 or higher
122 Miscellaneous Utilities Purge Utilities
123 Miscellaneous Utilities This will delete special orders older than the date you enter. IVSD – Special Order Deletion
124 Miscellaneous Utilities You can delete PO’s by date, Purge Received Items, and Delete Inventory history. IVD – Inventory PO Deletion
125 Miscellaneous Utilities This will delete PO’s for the year you select. If you run this utility, you will want to run the IVD option “Match Masterfile with Order file” BSM will go out and look at everything that is on order and write it into the IVM “On Ord” field. IVD – Delete PO’s by Date
126 Miscellaneous Utilities This will purge all received items without a warning prompt. IVD – Purge All Received Items
127 Miscellaneous Utilities You can run the program IVD to delete Inventory History. You can delete Monthly, Weekly, Daily, and Invoice History by date.
128 Miscellaneous Utilities This will delete the SLE data for the year selected. SLD – Sales Journal Deletion
129 Miscellaneous Utilities This will delete the sales transaction data based on the date you set. You use this data in the SLTR program. SLTD – Sales Transactions Deletion
130 Miscellaneous Utilities This will delete the mailing list customers with the last activity date older than the date you set. The password to get into MLD is “DELETE” MLD – Mailing List Deletion
131 Miscellaneous Utilities This will delete tracking detail from your mailing list. This will delete the information you see when you click in MLM. The last two options are for old 7.0 conversions or customers that have already been deleted from your mailing list. MLUL – Purge Tracking Detail
132 Miscellaneous Utilities This is a way for you to find duplicate customers in your mailing list. This is not an auto purge utility like the others, but does allow you to see the duplicates in your mailing list. If you do find duplicates, you may want to use MLUL “Combine Customers” so that they get credit for all of their purchases. MLP – Duplicates
133 Miscellaneous Utilities Self Help Options
134 Miscellaneous Utilities New Help Toolbar Option –You can now click “Help” on the toolbar to bring up a Windows Help file that is searchable by key word Example: How to do a best seller report. You can search for Best. (See screenshot below)
135 Miscellaneous Utilities At Enter Program Name, you can type TUTOR or click the “Tutor” icon to bring up different kinds of Self Help Documents. In the BSMGR Tech Documents, you will find docs over Misc. features in BSM, Hardware Setup docs, and many others…
136 Miscellaneous Utilities F1 Help Manual –In most programs, you can click the F1 key on your keyboard and it will take you to an online form of the manual with detailed information on the program you are in. –You will need the following two lines in ENV for this feature to work: EHELP-PATH \BKHELP\HELP KEYSTROKE HOT-KEY=EHELP k1 –(lower case k1) –See next slide for F1 Help Manual example
137 Miscellaneous Utilities
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