Impetus Roughly 75 percent of executive directors/CEOs reporting that they plan to leave their jobs within the next five years. Rising concerns about how to identify new leaders and issues of workforce development have become high priorities. As Baby-Boom-age leaders leave, the sector will approach an important turning point ripe with both challenges and opportunities. It is critical that we recognize the untapped pool of potential leaders -- young managers in training.
Purpose To assist high school students who possess an affinity for helping others and who demonstrate exceptional leadership skills to develop a deeper understanding of their roles in social change and to connect them to specific opportunities to act in service to others.
Selling Points Assist young leaders – and their parents -- in seeing the nonprofit sector as a viable career option and reinforcing the value of enrolling in a uniquely designed, collegiate-level academic preparation program as an added benefit/necessity; Increase the likelihood that these students will give favorable consideration to 1) attending LU; and 2) pursing their degree in the NPA program. Build credibility for LU’s academic programming and overall reputation among potential applicants; Build credibility of the NPA program among the broader nonprofit community who participate in the experience which will positively impact placement opportunities for students as well as increased exposure of the degree program to existing and emerging nonprofit leaders; and Hold potential for future grant or research funding opportunities or other sponsorships/means of revenue.
Logistics ActivityTimeline Concept approval (proposal to administration, credit consideration, review of liability, health, behavior, and consent issues) Summer/fall 2008 Coordinated marketing with PR and Admissions (website link, poster development, mailing list of high schools, development of Facebook page, press releases) December 2008 Application and receipt of nominations (mailing to high schools, outreach to key schools, PR to youth- related organizations (Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Key Club) January – March 2009 Selection and notificationMarch 2009 Final payment and consent forms dueApril 2009 Program executionJune 17-19, 2009 Evaluation and pre-planning for 2010Summer 2009
Format Three days Day One: workshop and guest speakers Day Two: site visits Day Three: service projects Two nights in dorms Three meals in cafeteria (all others out) Just right – leave them wanting more! 13 students; 2 LU Mentors $375 per person ($348 pp projected cost)
Feedback ( from Parent) Dr. Turner, I wanted to personally thank you for the wonderful experience that you provided for Rachel. She was so very excited about what she had learned and been exposed to. She had no idea about the possibilities that you opened up for her. She didn't have a clue before coming what she might do in the future, and you gave her some real possibilities. She was so encouraged to think that she could be used in some of the areas that you shared. This was a life-changing experience for Rachel. I'm so thankful that she had the opportunity. Thank-you for all of the hard work that you invested. It was a truly great experience. Thanks again! Survey QuestionResponses Survey QuestionResponses (Scale of 1-5) Participating in this conference increased my desire for involvement in some aspect of non-profit work (volunteering, advocacy, participation in events, etc.) Average: 4.62 Participating in this conference increased my interest in non-profit organizations in general Average: 4.62 Overall, the Lion’s Pride Conference 2009 was a valuable experience Average: 5 I would highly recommend this conference to my peers and underclassmen in the future. 5 – Average: 4.77 I would like to attend the 2010 Lion’s Pride Conference Average: 4.77
Suggestions: Be clear on what you want accomplished with a summer program Identify a key contact person Start early and develop a proposal through your Dean and then all appropriate channels Build allies -- know all the players on campus and cover all the bases Consider all the costs and build a budget Start small and build success Organize to the nth degree – need to cover every possible detail. Remember, you are representing LU! Remember the parent is just as much a customer as the student – have to earn their confidence
Questions or Resources? Dr. Julie Turner Extension 4962 PC Common: Folder: Jturner Title: Lion’s Pride 2009