June 1, ALICE Offline Tutorial Markus Oldenburg – CERN June 1, 2007 – University of São Paulo
June 1, Help! How and where to find more information available online at: -> Seminarshttp://cern.ch/Oldenburg
June 1, Analysis Task Force contact this list if you have troubles with the analysis ask about how to Alice offline hardcore list about offline/computing issues contact about how to Alice all general Alice list the ALICE secretaries should have signed you up automatically if not, contact Important list and addresses
June 1, In case you have specific problems (and dont dare to send an to a specific list), try to get an answer from the following people: Be polite! They get tons of personal requests per day. correct ROOT, Geant3, AliRoot versions: PROOF/CAF: ALICE specific GRID problems (e.g. certificates): aliensh problems/requests: physics analysis on the GRID: general analysis related questions: better use the analysis task force list right away, since Yves will post your message there in any case Physics related questions (e.g. Whom shall I contact if I want to do an … analysis?): any other problem, questions, …: People to contact
June 1, Latest version to the offline tutorial -> Alice Experiment -> Offline; find the latest Tutorial entry ROOT home page AliRoot Primer Coding conventions PROOF and CAF References
June 1, Registration – Certificates: AliEn: Gshell: User's guide: dev/alice/apiservice/AA-UserGuide-0.0m.pdf References: AliEn I
June 1, aliensh Grid Command Online Reference V1.0 dev/alice/apiservice/guide/guide-1.0.htm Previous tutorials: Event Tag System: m/EventTags.html#Event%20tag%20system (INTERNAL NOTE) References: AliEn II
June 1, Creation of tag files: gSystem/EventTagsCreation.html#Create%20tags%20h owto Analysis using the Event Tag System: gSystem/EventTagsAnalysis.html#Analysis%20with%20 tags References: AliEn III
June 1, File catalog structure – Queries: m/RunTags.html#Run/File%20metadata File level metadata: Analysis framework essionId=3&materialId=slides&confId=a References: AliEn IV