CLIMATE CHANGE AT THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Climate Change Adaptation Across the Landscape Michelle Selmon Regional Climate Change Specialist June 2013 Climate Change Adaptation Across the Landscape Michelle Selmon Regional Climate Change Specialist June 2013
California Water Plan 12 Regional Reports 32 Resource Management Strategies (2013 draft report) Extensive public input process Climate change and environmental stewardship througout the plan
IRWM provides a critical framework for actions to address the uncertainties presented by climate change as well as other risks to California’s water future. -Water Plan Update 2009
All IRWM plans should include the following elements to help their region adapt to a changing climate: water conservation conjunctive management integrated flood management drought contingency An assessment of the region’s vulnerability to the long-term risk and associated uncertainty associated with climate change -Water Plan Update 2009
CC Handbook for Regional Water Planning Vulnerability Assessment Checklist Water Demand Water Supply Water Quality Sea Level Rise Flooding Hydropower Ecosystem and Habitat Vulnerability
CC Handbook for Regional Water Planning Vulnerability Assessment Checklist Launches key discussions about climate change Allows early identification of vulnerabilities to inform planning and project selection Brings issues such as species and habitat protection to the table Informs all IRWM "interested parties" of implications of climate change in their region Potentially spurs additional research and action
Climate Change and Water Management Adaptation Strategies Urban infrastructure upgrades Water use efficiency Groundwater recharge Watershed restoration Floodplain restoration to improve hydrologic function Wetland, vernal pool, riparian restoration Invasive species management Native plant revegetation
LCC Network California Landscape Conservation Cooperative 9 California supports diverse and thriving ecosystems through lasting cooperative conservation partnerships Sec Order Addressing Impacts of Climate Change on Americas Water, Land, and Other Natural and Cultural Resources; LCC, CSC, Energy and Climate Change Council
Vision California Landscape Conservation Cooperative 10 California supports diverse and thriving ecosystems through lasting cooperative conservation partnerships.
Five year Goal California Landscape Conservation Cooperative 11 A growing community of resource managers, scientists, conservation practitioners, and others that are successfully collaborating to advance and implement actions that promote resilient and adaptable ecosystems across the landscape in the face of environmental change.
Join Us California Landscape Conservation Cooperative 12 CA LCC Alliance mailing list- sign up on the main page of the website to stay informed about: webinars conferences/meetings data products and tools regional LCC activities