Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) Towards a BSR MSP Data Group First thoughts and steps Kira Gee, Stephen Jay, Bettina.


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Presentation transcript:

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) Towards a BSR MSP Data Group First thoughts and steps Kira Gee, Stephen Jay, Bettina Käppeler

Background Why the proposed BSR MSP Data group? PartiSEApate stakeholder meetings: Need to improve existing data services and data sharing in the BSR (EU MSP Directive, 2007 INSPIRE Directive); PartiSEApate multilevel governance framework suggests expert groups, “MSP data needs and transnational MSP data requirements/network formation” identified as an urgent topic; BSH as the initiator of this expert group; Group proposed to the HELCOM/VASAB MSP Working Group, setup still subject to HELCOM and VASAB approval; University of Liverpool contracted to help with the first steps.

Background TOR suggested by BSH for the group based on PartiSEApate results: To identify MSP data needs from a planners' point of view, including setting priorities; To identify relevant available data from MSP authorities and institutions; To identify data and information gaps, especially with regard to transnational MSP; To identify requirements and propose solutions for data scope, content, attributes, formats, etc, and estimate harmonisation needs; To agree on measures for data quality, reliability, accuracy, accessibility, etc; To identify research priorities to fill evidence gaps; To develop terms of reference for a regional spatial data infrastructure for MSP; To develop funding applications for external services for tasks that cannot be performed by the group.

The task First steps towards establishing the potential group Led by BSH UL subcontracted to: Identify and assess relevant initiatives and projects addressing marine and maritime spatial data and data infrastructure; Identify potential experts as members of the group; Further develop the suggested TOR for the group; Develop a roadmap for implementing the group.

Empirical basis Internet research and document analysis Short internet survey of data and MSP experts – 25 respondents, 3 incomplete / unusable – Respondents from DE (4), EE (2), SE (3), LV (2), DK (2), LT (1), NO (1), PL (4), FI (3) – MSP expertise = 14 – GIS expertise = 14 – Marine data collection/management expertise = 16 3 telephone interviews (DE, EE, PL) Teleconference with 11 participants (DE, FI, LT, EE, DK, SE, PL)

Data management to support MSP What would you say is most needed for more effective data management to support MSP at national and transnational levels? 1. Data harmonisation and coordination Consistency (e.g. common standards for GIS systems, harmonised data and data structures) Minimum common standards for data acquisition, processing and representation Metadata Regular update interval Map tools linked to metadata Effective data management

Data management to support MSP What would you say is most needed for more effective data management to support MSP at national and transnational levels? 2. Access to data Easy access to reliabledata Reduction of data fragmentation No big data stores No fancy new platforms, keep it simple 3. Better understanding of data gaps Common understanding of what is needed for transboundary cooperation Good communication between stakeholders, managers, scientists and policy makers

Examples of SDI Existing initiatives for spatial data infrastructure National examples… … e.g. Germany, Estonia, Denmark... and a wide range of international examples EMODnet HELCOM Map and Data Service ICES marine databases ESPON databases SeaDataNet SEAGIS Shelf Geo Explorer Baltic Sea Bathymetry Database Others... Suitability for MSP? What type of data do they make available? How regularly are they updated? Common standard? Can they serve the dynamic MSP process fast enough? How to ensure data is always fresh and up to date?

What kind of regional spatial data infrastructure? Initial thoughts: System must enable exchange of data from different sources Standardisation is very important (e.g. data resolution, scale), but establishing a standardised data structure takes time as reaching agreement may be difficult Decentralised system generally favoured, but needs centralised national node where data can be drawn from. Up to date data must come from data owners/institutions. Mixed system as a way forward: A list of providers of relevant data/data entry points in different countries in combination with harmonised data where available Use EMODnet as a starting point for categories of data and for data compatibility Be realistic – don’t be too ambitious to start with! Identify data sets that are particularly useful as a starting point, work on these as a pilot case

Existing MSP Data working groups Baltic Sea Region: International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO), marine spatial data infrastructure working group (MSDIWG); Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission – Baltic Sea Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Working Group (BSMSDIWG). Current tasks: study on different laws with relevance to MSDI in the Baltic countries, establish a list of MSDI relevant projects, establish a framework for common understanding of MSDI; Eurostat: new Task Force on the integration of geography and statistics; Eurostat ESSnet grant project to be launched in 2015 to create a framework for point based statistics; EMODnet

TOR for the proposed group

Other tasks suggested for the group overcome political and/or institutional inconsistencies review existing examples of data infrastructure to check whether they could be used / extended for pan Baltic data management Promote data education and governance Establish a financial model Create a stable communication platform Provide regular information, e.g. through mailing list, during the process. Develop tools for practical use at the management level, most likely map tools; these need to be transnational.

Format and composition of the group Format suggested in the PartiSEApate governance framework: Independent group at the interface of MSP policy, sectors and MSP practice. Consist of technical data experts selected for their expertise in the field, plus (potentially) country data experts nominated by national MSP contact points and MSP experts. No permanent institution, but tasked with producing specific results within a set timeframe. Will report to the HELCOM/VASAB MSP Working Group and give input to decisions taken by the WG.

Format and composition of the group

Membership Challenge given the diverse expertise needed! Balanced representation – data and GIS experts, BSR countries, MSP, reflective of diverse MSP data needs (use data, scientific data, socioeconomic data) Each MSP authority should be represented plus international representation (EMODNET, HELCOM) – but what about federal countries? Possibly observers from other similar groups Group should not be too large Idea of observer status and advisory board Other specialists can be drawn in for specific tasks – Many contact names were suggested!

Format and composition of the group General willingness to dedicate time, depending on tasks and funding; Group should meet once a year. Open question: Country representation?

Funding Travel and subsistence essential for non-authority participants Authorities should fund the group since data is one of the core tasks of MSP authorities Some funding for writing tasks Small budget initially VASAB secretariat should act as a coordination body PartiSEApate as an example of how projects can be used

Over to you! We‘d now like to ask for your input! Group work concentrating on the following questions:

Your thoughts MSP Data infrastructure – What are the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches, e.g. centralised vs decentralised approaches? – What are the key attributes that would need to be considered in setting up a BSR spatial data infrastructure for MSP?

Your thoughts Data priorities for transboundary MSP: – Which data is most urgently needed? – How to facilitate cooperation between MSP practitioners and data experts? – How to link to existing data collections/mechanisms (e.g. EMODNET) and avoid duplication?

Your thoughts Practical setup of the group – Membership (country representation, balancing MSP and Data/GIS expertise) – The most important tasks of the group (TORs) – Can we think of a "test case" for establishing a BSR marine spatial data infrastructure? (e.g. pipelines)