Overcoming Life's Challenges Ian Guest First Step Hypnosis
Problem Solving Therapy/Training Developed as a psychosocial intervention under CBT Enhances clients abilities to cope effectively with both minor and major stressors Has been proven to be effective for depression, anxiety, emotional distress, suicidal ideation, pain management, PTSD & schizophrenia Currently being used with US veterans returning from combat and in the UK as PST-PC for primary mental health care services
What are Life's Challenges? work relationships families health finances education accommodation
What is stress? Stress manifests as a physical, psychological or social dysfunction resulting in individuals feeling unable to bridge the gap with the requirements or expectations placed upon them.” (British Standards Institution)
4 concepts of stress It's not the situation or challenge that creates negative feelings but our response to it Our feelings are affected by our thoughts and behaviour If we assess a situation as being threatening/scary/dangerous there are biological and psychological changes that take place known as the stress response or fight or flight response. If we can change the way we think and behave we can change the way we feel.
How do we learn to overcome life's challenges and reduce our stress ? We develop a positive problem orientation and become planful problem solvers.
Positive v Negative Problem Orientation Positive Orientation Views a problem as a challenge rather than a threat Is realistic and optimistic Believes problems are solvable Has self-confidence to tackle the challenge Believes in persistence and effort Commits to solving the problem Negative Orientation Views problems as a major threat Doubts ones ability to solve the problem Becomes overwhelmed with emotional distress when confronted with a problem
A planful problem solving style Sets realistic goals Considers potential obstacles Thinks of multiple ways of overcoming obstacles and challenges Compares the pros and cons of each option to identify the most effective Carries out the solution as best as they can and monitors the outcome
Ineffective problem styles Impulsive/careless Goes for the quick fix Sees the problem through a narrow "tunnel vision" Is incomplete and careless Avoidance Reluctant to make a decision Is passive Denies the existence of the problem Relies on others to fix things
Stop - Slow Down - Think - Act STOP: notice your thoughts, behaviours & feelings when facing a challenge SLOW DOWN: give your brain and body a chance to lower the intensity of your negative arousal THINK: use your planful problem-solving skills to try to cope with the problem ACT: put your problem-solving ideas into action
Problem Solving - Key Strategies We can't multitask efficiently when we are trying to solve a problem, therefore we need to: Externalise Visualise Simplify
Planful Problem Solving Structure: The tasks involved in Planful Problem Solving includes the following 4 steps: Step 1. Define the problem, set realistic goals and identify and obstacles. Step 2. Generate alternative solutions (brainstorm) to solve the problem. Step 3. Decide which ideas are the best. Step 4. Carry out the solution and determine whether it worked or not.
Case Study Problem - Sue's parents are elderly and infirm but still live independently. They rely on Sue to do a number of tasks for them including a weekly shop. The new job that Sue has been offered means she may struggle to find the time in the future. She knows this will upset her parents. Goal - Obstacles - Brainstorm - Evaluation - Action & Review -