Stress Management Techniques to cope with Pressure
WHAT IS STRESS? l Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. l Stress is your mind and body’s response or reaction to a real or imagined threat, event or change. l stress usually occurs in situations people consider difficult or challenging. Different people consider different situations to be stressful. l The threat, event or change are commonly called stressors. Stressors can be internal (thoughts, beliefs, attitudes or external (loss, tragedy, change).
EUSTRESS Eustress or positive stress occurs when your level of stress is high enough to motivate you to move into action to get things accomplished.
DISTRESS Distress or negative stress occurs when your level of stress is either too high or too low and your body and/or mind begin to respond negatively to the stressors.
Types of Stressors INJURY Career Pressure illness Emotional Environmental Physical
Physiologic Signs of Stress Increased cardiacIncreased cardiac output output Increased circulationIncreased circulation Increased BPIncreased BP Increased sweatingIncreased sweating Hyper alertnessHyper alertness Increased blood sugarIncreased blood sugar Decreased storedDecreased stored energy energy Increased fatty acids ( full of fats)Increased fatty acids ( full of fats) Immediate Changes
Long Term Effects Increased breakdown of proteinIncreased breakdown of protein Increased blood glucoseIncreased blood glucose Decreased immune responseDecreased immune response
Emotional Signs of Stress Denial Fear Depression Grief Anger Worry Uncertainty Hopelessness Hopelessness Helplessness Helplessness Feeling lost Feeling lost Wishing to hide Wishing to hide Anxiety Anxiety Panic Panic Inappropriate Inappropriate Emotions Emotions
Cognitive Signs & Symptoms Difficulty Making Decisions Confusion Difficulty Naming Familiar Items Poor Concentration Blaming Others Memory Problems Replaying Events Over & Over
Behavioral Signs of Stress Withdrawal Suspiciousness Excessive Humor or Silence Increased Smoking, Alcohol or Food Change in Activity Level Angry Outbursts Crying Spells
Stress response contributes to: – coronary artery disease (blood related) – cancer – respiratory disorders – unintentional injuries – suicide
Organize your life: ¨ Manage your time ¨ Make to do lists ¨ Plan ahead ¨ Set mini goals ¨ Learn to Plan Practice Relaxation: ¨ Meditation ¨ Deep Breathing ¨ Get a Massage ¨ Visualization ¨ Take a Bath ¨ Try saying the Serenity Prayer Stretch ¨ Stand up and reach up ¨ Neck stretch: roll your head in a half circle, starting at one side, then dropping your chin to your chest, then to the other side ¨ Watch a cat stretch and do the same Take a break ¨ Breath deeply ¨ Sit back and relax ¨ Do something you love ¨ Read a good book ¨ Change your surroundings ¨ Learn to Play Communicate: ¨ Express your emotions ¨ Talk to a friend ¨ Eliminate negative talk ¨ Cry ¨ Laugh
¨ Learn to live one day at a time ¨ Improve your appearance ¨ Do something for someone else (volunteer work) ¨ Allow yourself private time everyday ¨ Learn to forgive and forget ¨ Watch a good movie ¨ Listen too your favorite music ¨ Eat well ¨ Be a positive person ¨ Avoid unnecessary competition Other stress management tips: