eGov skills and organisational culture as a key to eGov success
2005 – FONDAZIONE POLITECNICO DI MILANO 2 eGov skills and organisational culture as a key to eGov success Public mandatory: Italian Public Administration Department for Efficiency in the Administrations Project aims: Analysis of the policies adopted in several European countries to develop eGov projects and manage cultural changes. The focus is on: Organisational solutions Human resource policies: recruiting, incentives, training, … soft competences: ownership, leadership, communication, … empowerment informal learning approaches
2005 – FONDAZIONE POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3 eGov skills and organisational culture as a key to eGov success Project outcomes: Qualitative desk analysis of eGov-related aspects of public administration for 12 countries A set of examples concerning organisational and change management approaches adopted by countries to implement eGovernment Recommendations to develop an Italian eGov-related framework on change
2005 – FONDAZIONE POLITECNICO DI MILANO 4 eGov skills and organisational culture as a key to eGov success Methodology and basic assumptions: 12 Countries analysed: Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK, Switzerland, Canada and USA; survey on line, desk analysis, direct interviews In order to get cultural changes by management and employees of public administration, towards a sharing of information society values and a citizen- oriented attitude, particular care must be paid to some organisational solutions, ways of learning, empowerment and co-optation of the teams charged to develop and implement eGov-related projects. Soft skills such as change management capabilities, strategic vision, capacity to gain support from top level management and communication abilities are strong enablers for eGovernment success. These competences can be acquired through informal learning processes within job organisations, specific recruitment or by seeking for external aid. Cultural change can be fostered by incentive and stimulating personnel policies.
2005 – FONDAZIONE POLITECNICO DI MILANO 5 Change processes enablers Organisation models Structures - Individuals Leadership processesInvolvement processes Job profiles, Skills and competences Ways of learning Change management cultures and processes: information and evidences picked up
2005 – FONDAZIONE POLITECNICO DI MILANO 6 Change management cultures and processes: information and evidences picked up Organisation models: centralisation - decentralisation; structures – individuals; Leadership processes: definitions (empowerment - ownership, involvement capabilities, coordination and integration / power – dominant role / ….), focus (structures / individuals), level (each level / commanding roles / …) Involvement processes: making of stakeholders groups - boards along the decision levels of the eGov-related development process, bottom up / top down approaches adopted to manage central – local relationships Profiles; skills and competences: Chief Information Officer, Project Manager, WEB services Coordinator, eChampion, Communication Manager, …; IT skills at most, leadership, planning and control, coordination, communication, customer orientation, knowledge sharing Ways of learning: formal initiatives – informal learning, holistic approaches (project works, team works, meetings, mentoring, informal interviews, …)
2005 – FONDAZIONE POLITECNICO DI MILANO 7 Summary table of the main enablers and drivers skills areas to eGov-related cultural chanhges skills areas Roles LeadershipCommun ication CoordinationICTKnowledge sharing CreativityProject Management Customer Orientation Top Management Initial InputsAbility to involve stakeholders Vision, understanding of new ICT scenarios, new possible ICT usages Strategic impacts Ability to create new visions PlanningVision, understanding of new potential services, new integration between ICT and services; Partnerships with private Institutions (example, Banks) Chief executive Middle Management eChampions Ability to lead and manage the change process - Organisation changes (integration, different customer approaches, communication, home working, etc.), ICT culture development, ICT integration – harmonisation and effective use, culture of transparency and interoperability diffusion Ability to maintain involvement and excite servants interest Ability to manage multi-objectives teams; multicompetence teams ICT new trends and Strategic Impacts Current, effective, operative ICT use and exploitation Ability to start knowledge sharing processes Ability to identify new potential ICT usages, services, etc. Ability to invent ways of leading changes Project Management Public Servants Understanding the change process and development of process ownership, developing an orientation towards transparency and cooperation Understanding how to use ICT tools at best, ICT effective opportunities Understanding the utility to share knowledge Development of Service and Customer culture Citizens Participation ICT Experts Supporting ICT culture development, helping to understand new ICT scenarios and
Clementina Marinoni Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Via Garofalo, Milano Phone Fax