Survey of the civil and public services of EU Member States - identification of reforms that have taken place since 2009
Survey of the civil and public services of EU Member States Irish Survey Austrian Survey Spanish Study Irish Survey
HR reforms: – changes since 2009 in: Structure of public service Number of public servants Number of Ministries Structure within each Ministry Department with responsibility for HR policy
HR reforms: – since changes in: General Terms and Conditions of Service Rates of Pay / Pension Pension Entitlements or Conditions of Qualification Holiday / Annual Leave Entitlements Sick Leave Entitlements
HR reforms: – since changes in: Maternity / Paternity Leave Family Friendly Policies Methods of Recruitment and Selection to the Civil Service Structure of the Senior Public Service Recruitment Selection for the Senior Public Service
What have we found out? Returns received from 26 Member States Traditional EUPAN difficulty of comparing across different administrative structures Difficult to reconcile year on year comparisons
What have we found out? Trends Reduction/freeze in numbers Reduction/freeze in rates of pay Reduction/freeze in pension rates Changes in holiday/leave entitlements Changes in sick-leave entitlements Changes in maternity/paternity leave
What have we found out? Reduction in CS numbers 9 M/S report reductions in numbers 6 M/S report recruitment freezes 11 M/S report increases in numbers
What have we found out? Department with responsibility for HR policy 62% have a central ministry responsible for HR policy Line Departments are responsible for implementation
What have we found out? General Terms and Conditions 71% reported changes in General T&Cs extended working hours introduction of flexitime changes in performance monitoring systems
What have we found out? Changes in rates of pay 10 M/S report pay reductions of up to 24% 5 M/S report pay freeze until 2013/4 2 reported no change in pay rates 1 reported an increase in pay rates
What have we found out? Changes in rates of pension 5 M/S report reduced pension rates 2 report freeze of pension rate 1 reported no change in pension rate Most others are considering reform of pensions
What have we found out? Changes in eligibility for pension Pension changes generally apply to new entrants Retirement age increase – 8 M/S report increased retirement age – new retirement age varies from 60 to 70
What have we found out? Holidays / Annual Leave 2 M/S report reductions in leave 2 M/S report reduced vacation pay 8 no change
What have we found out? Sick Leave Entitlements 8 M/S report changes 7 reduced the rate of sick pay Some have reduced the number of days paid e.g. no pay for first 2 days
What have we found out? Maternity/Paternity Leave 9 M/S report changes to maternity/paternity leave – the majority of these were positive changes, including extension of leave and increased flexibility Drivers of change are EU policy
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